[mapguide-users] Firefox - Transferring data from localhost....

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Mar 21 14:35:22 EST 2006


I've seen this issue with Firefox before.  From what I remember, it  
is an issue with Firefox, not with the application.  I seem to  
remember spending quite a bit of time on this and finally finding a  
bug in mozilla's bugzilla but I can't find the reference any more :(



On 21-Mar-06, at 2:27 PM, Andy Morsell wrote:

> Alain,
> I see that your Firefox also displays "Transferring data from  
> localhost........." perpetually in the statusbar and the little  
> activity circle in the upper-right hand corner is always moving  
> when accessing a web layout with the AJAX viewer (I actually can't  
> view a raw web layout with the DWF viewer in Firefox since I get no  
> challenge/response dialog, but that's another issue I need to  
> research).  Is this something that can be prevented in the future,  
> or is it a Firefox issue?
> Thanks.
> Andy Morsell, P.E.
> Spatial Integrators, Inc.
> http://www.SpatialGIS.com
> <593141219>

|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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