[mapguide-users] ColdFusion and CFOBJECT and XML parsing

Andy Morsell amorsell at spatialgis.com
Mon May 8 17:42:54 EDT 2006

Hi Scott,
Since it looks like nobody else is doing this yet, perhaps there is a market
for a 3rd party developer to create some ColdFusion "wrapper" objects for
the MapGuide Open Source API.  I'm not quite sure how this would be done,
but since the entire app is open source, it should be possible.

Andy Morsell, P.E. 
Spatial Integrators, Inc. 


From: Scott Hameister [mailto:scotth at mpower-tech.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 2:25 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] ColdFusion and CFOBJECT and XML parsing

Anyone yet find a way to use coldfusions CFOBJECT or other method to connect
to the Mapguide yet (JAVA?)?


Can the map be hit in Coldfusion in a send and response XML way Like we can
do with ArcIMS???


                        <cfsavecontent variable="xmlrequest">

                        <ARCXML version="1.1">


outputmode="xml" geometry="false" attributes="true" globalenvelope="true">


subfields="<cfoutput>#tempShapeString# #tempIDString#</cfoutput>"





                        <cfhttp timeout="45" method="post"

                                    <cfhttpparam encoded="no" type="body"
name="ArcXMLRequest" value="#xmlrequest#">



Just looking for a Starting point and I can take it from there and be a
sounding board for the rest of the coldfusion community.


Scott Hameister
Director of Product Development

mPower Technologies

 <mailto:scotth at mpower-tech,>  <mailto:scotth at mpower-tech.com>
scotth at mpower-tech.com
T: 877-269-6971| T: 920-830-4053

501 S Nicolet Road Appleton, WI 54914
 <http://mpower-tech.com> http://mpower-tech.com


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