[mapguide-users] Coldfusion Wrapper Dev - Is there a Java Main-Class

Chris Gountanis cgountanis at mpower-tech.com
Fri May 12 17:51:07 EDT 2006

I keep getting errors:

error no MapGuideJavaApi in java.library.path
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no MapGuideJavaApi in java.library.path


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at

Using code as simple as other JAR file that have worked:
<cfset MapGuideJavaApi = CreateObject("JAVA",
<cfset MapGuideJavaApi.InitializeSockets()>

Chris Gountanis
Programmer/Analyst - Network Administrator
cgountanis at mpower-tech.com
T: 877-269-6971 | T: 920-830-4053 | F: 920-832-0736

501 S Nicolet Road Appleton, WI 54914

Making complex information more accessible.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hameister [mailto:scotth at mpower-tech.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 1:50 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Coldfusion Wrapper Dev - Is there a Java

I've found a possible means for creating a ColdFusion Java wrapper.This
Method assumes that there is a Java Main-Class.then all we need to do is
develop functions for all the public functions as we go.


I was directed to http://sourceforge.net/projects/cfsynergy as an example
for creating a Java wrapper.I think this could work easily as a CFM API for
Mapguide Open Source.Just need someone whose worked on the JAVA side to give
me some help.I would love to be able to contribute such a wrapper to this
community if I could get the initial Information necessary.


Also curious why I couldn't REGSVR32 my DLL files from the DotNet examples
to create objects from in Coldfusion as well.



Scott Hameister
Director of Product Development

mPower Technologies

501 S Nicolet Road Appleton, WI 54914
http://mpower-tech.com <http://mpower-tech.com> 

<mailto:scotth at mpower-tech,> scotth at mpower-tech
<mailto:scotth at mpower-tech.com> .com
T: 877-269-6971| T: 920-830-4053


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