WMS Provider on Linux?

Andy Morsell amorsell at spatialgis.com
Fri Nov 17 13:26:37 EST 2006

I recently built FDO 3.2 and MapGuide Open from subversion on Fedora 4.
When I built FDO, I included all of the optional data providers.  Everything
seemed to build fine.

But, when I try to create a layer using the WMS Provider, I get the
following error at the server:

An exception occurred in FDO component.
Exception occurred in method MgFdoConnectionManager.Open at line 201 in file

In the fdo-3.2.0 directory, there are a number of libWMS* files and
providers.xml does have an entry for the WMS provider.  I am experiencing
this same problem on two different Fedora 4 boxes.


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