MapGuide Studio and DXF / DWG problems....

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at
Thu Nov 23 15:20:06 EST 2006

Has anyone been able to import DXF or DWG files using MapGuide Studio 
(any version)? No matter what version of Studio (this happened in all of 
the demo versions) I use, and no matter what dxf or dwg file I try to 
bring in, I always get a fatal error msgbox that pops up and says "DBX 
CAS 4".....useful. You would think, being an Autodesk product, that 
Studio would actually be able to bring in AutoCAD files in some form, 
rather than just DWFs.....anyone else get this to work?

	*Andrew DeMerchant*
*Computer Technologist*
ph.1-877-2GEMTEC x.163
fax 506-453-9470

/GEMTEC Limited <>
/191 Doak Road
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3C 2E6

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