[mapguide-users] MapGuide Studio and DXF / DWG problems....

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Thu Nov 23 22:12:15 EST 2006

After posting here, I did think to go check the Autodesk groups and saw 
your post (with no solution). I don't see why they're be any 3D info in 
my dxf, but I'll give it another shot tomorrow and make sure it's 2D only.

As for the version, this has happened with all versions available from 
the Autodesk website. Currently I'm using the latest one with SP1......I 
should also note that I've got AutoCAD Land Desktop and Civil 3D 
installed on my PC.....conflicting dll's sounds to me like a pretty 
logical problem.....the only question is how to fix it!


Gord McKenzie wrote:
> I have the same issue and error.  If you look on the Mapguide 
> newsgroups on the Autodesk news server, you will see I have posted to 
> separate messages about this problemThe first time Bill Dhimitri tried 
> to give some helpful suggestions but they did not work.  The second 
> time I asked, after applying SP1, I got no replies.  I have had this 
> problem on my notebook since day 1.  I have a client who purchased 
> Studio and they have the same problem.  I have tried installing the 
> Studio software on a couple of other machines in the office and it has 
> worked fine for DWG data.  The drawings are not the issue as I can use 
> the same DWG on one machine and it works but not on another.  There is 
> something amiss here but no luck so far from Autodesk.  .  General 
> Autodesk knowledge base alludes to this being an ARX/DLL conflict or 
> version error of some sort. 
> FYI, I found that if you have a 2d DWF you can work with it in 
> Studio.  If it is a 3d DWF it will not work.
> So far I cannot find anything to answer the problem.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Dave Wilson [mailto:dave.wilson at autodesk.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 23, 2006 2:18 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* RE: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Studio and DXF / DWG problems....
> MapGuide Studio will allow you to import DWG files and convert them 
> either to SDF or DWF. If you have a sample DWG and DXF that generates 
> this error could you attach it? Maybe change the extension on the 
> files to ensure they won't get filtered out by email. I'm not 100% 
> sure on the DXF files.
> What version of Studio do you currently have?
> Dave
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Andrew DeMerchant [mailto:andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:20 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [mapguide-users] MapGuide Studio and DXF / DWG problems....
> Has anyone been able to import DXF or DWG files using MapGuide Studio 
> (any version)? No matter what version of Studio (this happened in all 
> of the demo versions) I use, and no matter what dxf or dwg file I try 
> to bring in, I always get a fatal error msgbox that pops up and says 
> "DBX CAS 4".....useful. You would think, being an Autodesk product, 
> that Studio would actually be able to bring in AutoCAD files in some 
> form, rather than just DWFs.....anyone else get this to work?
> Andrew
> -- 
> *Andrew DeMerchant*
> *Computer Technologist*
> ph.1-877-2GEMTEC x.163
> fax 506-453-9470
> /GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
> /191 Doak Road
> Fredericton, NB, Canada
> E3C 2E6

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