[mapguide-users] Resource data was not found
Cory Gregor
cgregor at barkerlemar.com
Wed Oct 11 15:16:11 EDT 2006
Thanks Robert,
That got me pass that error. The map.Create worked.
On to the next bug. :)
Robert Bray-2 wrote:
> This problem is not related to session timeout. MgMap.Open takes the
> name of the runtime map object, not a MapDefinition. Is this script
> invoked by an InvokeURL command? If so you should be getting the MAPNAME
> and SESSION parameters from the post data. The MAPNAME parameter should
> be passed into MgMap.Open as the second argument. The SESSION parameter
> should be used in the creation of MgUserInformation.
> If you are not running this script from InvokeURL, then you need to call
> MgMap.Create instead, passing in an instance of MgResourceService, the
> resource id of the Map Definition, and name of the runtime instance of
> the map to create. There is no way to hook up a map created in this way
> back to the viewer however (or at least no way that I am aware of).
> Bob
> François Van Der Biest wrote:
>> You might find a solution to your problem here :
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-check-if-session-is-expired--tf2218864.html#a6549987
>> It took me a lot of time to find this trick.
>> F.
>> Cory Gregor a écrit :
>>> The code is blowing up on this line: map.Open(ResourceService,
>>> mgResourceID);
>>> The browser is telling me " Resource datawas not found:
>>> RuntimeDataResource
>>> data was not found: ....."
>>> Is the some IIS config problem maybe? IIS 6 on Win2k3 Server.
>>> Here is the code...
>>> //String mapDefinition =
>>> "Library://Samples/FredWeber/Maps/Default.MapDefinition";
>>> //String webLayout =
>>> "Library://Samples/FredWeber/FredWeber.WebLayout";
>>> String sessionId = "";
>>> String NoLayers = "No Layers Selected";
>>> try
>>> {
>>> MapGuideApi.InitializeSockets();
>>> InitializeWebTier();
>>> MgUserInformation userInfo = new
>>> MgUserInformation("XXXX","YYYY");
>>> MgSite site = new MgSite();
>>> site.Open(userInfo);
>>> sessionId = site.CreateSession();
>>> MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
>>> siteConnection.Open(userInfo);
>>> MgResourceService ResourceService =
>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService) as
>>> MgResourceService;
>>> MgFeatureService FeatureService =
>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService) as
>>> MgFeatureService;
>>> MgFeatureQueryOptions QueryOptions = new
>>> MgFeatureQueryOptions();
>>> MgResourceIdentifier mgResourceID = new
>>> MgResourceIdentifier(mapDefinition);
>>> MgMap map = new MgMap();
>>> map.Open(ResourceService, mgResourceID);
>>> Response.Write("Got here");
>>> MgSelection selection = new MgSelection(map);
>>> selection.Open(ResourceService, "map");
>>> MgReadOnlyLayerCollection Layers = selection.GetLayers();
>>> if (Layers.GetCount() > 0)
>>> {
>>> for (int i = 0; i < Layers.GetCount(); i++)
>>> {
>>> //Only check selected features in the Parcels layer.
>>> MgLayer Layer = Layers.GetItem(i);
>>> if (Layer != null && Layer.GetLayerDefinition() == new
>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Default_Map Base_727(3)"))
>>> {
>>> //Create a filter containing the IDs of the
>>> selected //features on this layer
>>> string LayerClassName = Layer.GetFeatureClassName();
>>> string selectionString =
>>> selection.GenerateFilter(Layer,
>>> LayerClassName);
>>> //Get the feature resource for the selected layer
>>> string LayerFeatureId = Layer.GetFeatureSourceId();
>>> MgResourceIdentifier LayerFeatureResource = new
>>> MgResourceIdentifier(LayerFeatureId);
>>> //Apply the filter to the feature resource for
>>> the // selected layer. This returns
>>> //an MgFeatureReader of all the selected features.
>>> QueryOptions.SetFilter(selectionString);
>>> MgFeatureReader FeatureReader =
>>> FeatureService.SelectFeatures(LayerFeatureResource, LayerClassName,
>>> QueryOptions);
>>> //Process each item in the MgFeatureReader,
>>> displaying
>>> the //owner name and address
>>> while (FeatureReader.ReadNext())
>>> {
>>> string val =
>>> FeatureReader.GetString("FeatureID");
>>> //FeatureReader.GetString("Layer");
>>> Response.Write(val);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> Response.Write(NoLayers);
>>> }
>>> MapGuideApi.TerminateSockets();
>>> }
>>> catch (MgException mge)
>>> {
>>> Response.Write(mge.GetMessage());
>>> Response.Write(mge.GetDetails());
>>> MapGuideApi.TerminateSockets();
>>> }
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