[MapProxy-dev] RFC: extended demo website for internal/external capabilities

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Wed Dec 15 19:47:18 PST 2021

Hi there,

I always had problems with displaying the capabilities documents within 
the demo website when running MapProxy behind a reverse proxy. I had 
opened #495 for this.

Since I needed both, the internal and the external server address, to 
debug a running project I have extended the demo website to display the 
capabilities documents in two flavours.

- internal: like or
- external: like http://example.org/...

So it's way easier to get a "local" capabilities document when debugging 
on the server, while also being able to get the "external" one for 
debugging in use with a reverse-proxy, etc.

There are no problems with backwards compatibility:
The URL parameter "type=external" shows the external document. Dropping 
the key "type" or another value, like "type=internal" , shows the 
original one.

Example call:
- internal:
- internal:
- external:

Since this change could be controversial, it needs to be discussed here.

Best regards,

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