[MapProxy] 2 Problems with meta_size in 0.9

Holger Schiebold hschiebold at codematix.de
Fri Oct 15 04:56:42 EDT 2010

First Problem: I try to setup in 0.9rc1 meta_size to a value like [2, 2] 
in the cache section of mapproxy.yaml but that has not the expected 
affect in smaller requests to the original wms. It seems to me that 
everytime [4, 4] as the default value is used. So i have to set the 
tile_size to 192, 192 in my case because this special wms we try to 
cache is only able to deliver up to 1600x1200.
Second : I can not seed with the original grid.py. I get following error :
line 779, in _meta_size
     return min(self.meta_size[0], grid_size[0]), min(self.meta_size[1], 
TypeError: 'instancemethod' object is unsubscriptable

So i debugged a bit and can see that there is meta_size sometimes none. 
If i change stupid self.meta_size = meta_size or 0 to self.meta_size = 
(4, 4) in the constructor of MetaGrid - i can seed.
I tried to define meta_size in the grid section in mapproxy.yaml, but 
this not solved the problem. May be there is something wrong in my 
configuration :
     tile_size: [192, 192]
     srs: 'EPSG:31467'
     bbox: [2840000, 5160000, 4360000, 6170000]
     # bbox: [3280342.8807, 5375906.8345, 3851161.6896, 5902471.5461]
     bbox_srs: 'EPSG:31467'
     res_factor: 'sqrt2'
   # # cache options
   #   # where to store the cached images
      base_dir: '/opt/janus/san/cache'
   #   # where to store lockfiles
      lock_dir: '../tmp/tile_locks'
   #   # request x*y tiles in one step
      meta_size: [4, 4]
   #   # add a buffer on all sides (in pixel) when requesting
   #   # new images
      meta_buffer: 0


Holger Schiebold

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