[MapProxy] problem with WMS srs and bbox parameters in 0.9.0

Sebastian Schwarz Sebastian.Schwarz at rostock.de
Thu Oct 21 05:24:50 EDT 2010


We - the group of people working on everything related to computer-aided map making within the municipality of Rostock/Germany - have come across MapProxy at a German trade fair for geoinformatics (et al.) a couple of weeks ago. It turned out to be exactly what we were looking for to make our small PostgreSQL-Mapserver-Tomcat-Mapbender-based web mapping project (at least a bit) faster and smoother. Thus, we installed MapProxy on an internal server hosting our mapping project locally, adjusted the configuration files and set up a connection to one of our WMS services as a first source to play around with. Up to this point, everything was really straightforward but since then we were stumbling over a problem which we weren't able to resolve yet although we tried everything that came into our  minds:
The projection of our WMS service - which we called "test" - is EPSG:2398 (the still official but hopefully soon completely replaced local geodetic projection used in our area) and the spatial extent is 4488000, 5984000 (minx, miny) to 4526000, 6018000 (maxx, maxy), stated in geodetic coordinates. So far, so good. But in the GetCapabilities-request of MapProxy both the bounding box and the projection of our WMS service are stated in standard WGS84 (EPSG:4326):

    <LatLonBoundingBox minx="11.6926977132" miny="53.9807254192" maxx="12.5224060274" maxy="54.3142074928" />
    <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="11.6926977132" miny="53.9807254192" maxx="12.5224060274" maxy="54.3142074928" />

And in the GetMap-request the SRS parameter is EPSG:4326 and the bounding box is everything but correct:

LAYERS=test&FORMAT=image/png&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-210.9375,-140.625,210.9375,140.625&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400 HTTP/1.1" 200 1092 "http://kataster1.sv.rostock.de:8180/demo/?wms_layer=test&format=image/png 

So, some wrong or forgotten parameter somewhere in the MapProxy configuration files (most probably in the mapproxy.yaml) is sort of forcing the usage of EPSG:4326 and consequently leading to what seems to us as an unwanted "reprojection" from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:4326 with the parameters of the reprojection from EPSG:2398 to EPSG:4326. I really hope that the concentrated knowledge power of this list will help us to turn this problem.

Kind regards


Sebastian Schwarz
Stadtverwaltung Rostock
Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt
+49 (0)381 381-6256

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