[MapProxy] Mapproxy config automatization

Max Stephan max.stephan at gmx.net
Fri Apr 8 11:16:31 EDT 2011

Hi list,

I´m currently in the process of automating the creation of yaml-configs for WMS-Servers (user on client-side selects a URL of a WMS-Server that should be reprojected). It´s done by reading and parsing the WMS-Capabilities and after that translating it into a yaml-file. Now the problem is: This file has to get onto the server. As I don´t have much knowledge about server side upload scripts I´d like to ask you what you think is the best way to achieve this (we have a Ubuntu-Server with Nginx and Apache Tomcat installed). My other idea was to implement the creation of the yaml-files on the server instead of on the client. But that would mean I need a library on the server which is able to perform WMS-parsing. In addition I would also need a server side script which receives the URL of the WMS-Server and hands it to the script and should push the proper URL for the multimapproxy-Instance to the client. Any recommendations concerning that?

Best regards and thanks in advance
Max Stephan
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