[MapProxy] Mapproxy sends wrong request parameters to WMS server

Kilian Perdomo Curbelo malikbster at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 08:12:13 EDT 2011

Hello, Im doing some basic tests on Mapproxy and I am having some issues
with certain WMS servers. Right now my config file includes 3 layers
attached to 3 different servers like this:

*  - name: fronteras*
*    title: Omniscale OSM WMS - osm.omniscale.net*
*    sources: [cache_fronteras]*
*  - name: topo*
*    title: Cubewerx*
*    sources: [cache_topo]*
*  - name: osm*
*    title: OSM*
*    sources: [cache_osm]*
*  cache_fronteras:*
*    grids: [GLOBAL_MERCATOR, global_geodetic_sqrt2]*
*    sources: [serv1]*
*  cache_topo:*
*    grids: [GLOBAL_MERCATOR, global_geodetic_sqrt2]*
*    sources: [serv2]*
*  cache_osm:*
*    sources: [serv3]*
*  serv1:*
*    type: wms*
*    req:*
*      url: http://osm.omniscale.net/proxy/service?*
*      layers: osm*
*  serv2:*
*    type: wms*
*    req:*
*      url: http://demo.cubewerx.com/demo/cubeserv/cubeserv.cgi?*
*      layers: Foundation.ETOPO2*
*  serv3:*
*    type: wms*
*    req:*
*      url:*
*      layers: osm_auto:all*

Both layers "topo" and "fronteras" work fine. For example, if i write these
requests in my browser:


I get the propper image as expected. But when I query the third server:


I get a HTTP error. Looking inside mapproxy log file, it shows this warning
and thea ctual request to the server:

*2011-08-31 12:23:20,063 - WARNING - mapproxy.source.wms - could not
retrieve WMS map: HTTP Error ",-782715.16964,782715.16964,10801469.341&service=WMS&format=image%2Fpng&styles=&srs=EPSG%3A900913&request=GetMap&height=1184":
Notice that the parameters are all messed up. Original width and height was
256x256 and it changes to 1184x1184. It also changes the image format from
jpeg to png, and also the bounding box and EPSG values are completely
different. I have never used these values before so its not likely to be a
cached query or some old requests previously done.

I hope you can give me some clues about this error. Thanks in advance.
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