[MapProxy] error with "image/png;
mode=24bit" format string in client requests
Andrea Pogliaghi
andrea.pogliaghi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 04:10:51 EST 2011
Hi everybody,
I'm using Mapproxy as a caching system between Openlayers and Mapserver and
I'm having troubles dealing with 24-bit png's.
It seems that mapproxy doesn't like the "image/png; mode=24bit" format
string, that is required by mapserver to generate 24bit png's.
In details, in Openlayers I've got a wms layer configured like this:
//layer WMS
wmsLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
transparent: 'TRUE',
layers: myWMSlyr,
format: "image/png; mode=24bit",
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
ratio: 1
but Mapproxy is throwing an exception related to "image/png; mode=24bit"
not being in a correct format.
Here's the stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 159, in __call__
resp = self.handlers[handler_name].handle(req)
line 38, in handle
return self.services[service].handle(req)
line 30, in handle
return handler(parsed_req)
line 115, in map
img_opts = self.image_formats[params.format_mime_type].copy()
KeyError: u'image/png; mode=24bit'
I need to pass the "format=image/png; mode=24bit" to mapserver, is there
some settings I should make to mapproxy and/or change the request in
Openlayers to achieve that?
Any help appreciated
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