[MapProxy] How to run MapProxy under Apache?

Stefan Schantz SSchantz at BfS.de
Fri Feb 25 02:06:32 EST 2011

Oliver Tonnhofer schrieb:
> On 24.02.2011, at 15:23, Stefan Schantz wrote:
>> Oliver Tonnhofer schrieb:
>>> Great. Can you check if <Directory "/tmp/madeup"> works too? I can update the documentation with that then.
>> No, <Directory "/tmp/madeup"> does not work:
> Cause it's not a directory i guess :)
> Does <Files "/tmp/madeup"> work then? The reason is, I don't want to advise to make /tmp completely accessible if the default configuration denies everything.
> Regards,
> Oliver
No, <Files "/tmp/madeup"> doesn't work either... Sorry!


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