[MapProxy] How to not store tiles once an initial seed is done

Fabrellas Bertran, Isabel isabel.fabrellas at icc.cat
Thu Jun 30 07:10:32 EDT 2011

With disable_storage set to true, MapProxy will not store any tiles and will re-request all required tiles for each incoming request, even if there are matching tiles in the cache, so it will not use pre-seeded tiles.

With seed-only set to true, as I understand, MapProxy always returns a blank/transparent image and I would need MapProxy to request the source when there is not a matching tile in the cache and also to not store the tile.

What I would need is:
- As a first step, create tiles restricted to areas defined with coverages (OK: mapproxy-seed + coverages)
- At accessing the mapproxy service: if it finds matching tiles in the cache, serves these tiles. If not, requests the source and doesn't store the tiles.

As I understand, the option disable_storage set to true doesn't suit well because it will not use pre-seeded tiles.


-----Missatge original-----
De: Oliver Tonnhofer [mailto:olt at omniscale.de] 
Enviat: miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011 15:30
Per a: Fabrellas Bertran, Isabel
A/c: mapproxy at lists.osgeo.org
Tema: Re: [MapProxy] How to not store tiles once an initial seed is done

On 29.06.2011, at 13:16, Fabrellas Bertran, Isabel wrote: 
> Is it possible that Mapproxy uses cached tiles in a zone and in other zones, accesses sources directly, withouth caching  tiles?
> I've seen that with mapproxy-seed I can specify a coverage, but I cannot find the way to tell MapProxy to not store tiles in zones outside a coverage or to not store tiles from the moment the initial seed is done.

There are two options: disable_storage and seed_only. Read the docs to see which option does what you want. http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/configuration.html#disable-storage


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt | @oltonn

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