[MapProxy] New MapProxy 1.1.0rc1 release

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Thu May 26 07:15:20 EDT 2011

Hi there,

it's time for a last release candidate. The final release is planned
for next week.

The latest release is available at:

To update within you virtualenv:

$ pip install http://mapproxy.org/static/rel/MapProxy-1.1.0rc1.tar.gz

The current documentation is available at:

There where only minor changes since 1.1.0b2.
For a complete list of changes see:

Some new features since 1.0:

New sources

There are two new sources that directly integrate Mapserver and Mapnik
into MapProxy. There is no need to setup an extra WMS server for these map

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/sources.html#mapserver-label
- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/sources.html#mapnik-label

The tile source was extended by the ``arcgiscache_path`` and ``bbox``
parameters. ``arcgiscache_path`` allows the integration of existing ArcGIS
tile caches (L09/R05397fb1/C0012d687) and the ``bbox`` parameter is useful
for WMS-C services that expect a fixed parameter order.

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/sources.html#url

Tagged WMS Sources

You can tag WMS source names with layer names. It is no longer required to
specify a WMS source multiple times, for each layer combination you use.
You can now define a WMS once without any layers and then tag the source
name with the layers you need.

   type: wms
     url: http://example.org/service?

   sources: ['wms1:lyr1,lyr2']
   grids: [mygrid]
   sources: ['wms1:lyr3,lyr4']
   grids: [mygrid]

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/sources.html#tagged-source-names

Configurable Image Formats

Image formats are now much more flexible. You can now create custom image
formats and modify them for each source or cache individually. The
configuration of paletted PNGs or the JPEG quality is no longer a global

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/configuration.html#image-format-options

There is now also support for integer images, e.g. for DEMs.


There is first support for the OGC WMTS standard. It implements KVP
requests and can be used with existing caches.

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/services.html#web-map-tile-services

Improved logging

The logging was improved and unified. System information is now logged at
``mapproxy.system``, configuration errors at ``mapproxy.config`` and all
source errors under ``mapproxy.source.wms``, etc.

All requests that MapProxy makes are now logged to
``mapproxy.source.request``. The request log format changed and it now
contains the complete URL (easy to copy&paste), the size and the duration
of the request. The log contains also requests to non-HTTP sources like
Mapnik or Mapserver.

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/deployment.html#logging

Improved configuration loading

The configuration loading is now more robust. You shouldn't see any stack
traces when your configuration contains any syntax errors. The MapProxy
and the seed configurations are now validated and you should see detailed
information about missing or unknown options.

We hope that we didn't miss any options. Please report if you still see
any errors for a documented configuration option.

Cache location

The default location of the cache will change with 1.2. The current
default is ``../var/cache_dir`` which is appropriate for the configuration
from ``paster create``, but not for the configuration from ``mapproxy-util
create`` (see below). You should configure ``globals.cache.base_dir`` with
your cache directory. Until then you will get a FutureWarning during

New mapproxy-util command line tool

There is a new mapproxy-util command that replaces the paster command for
running the development server. You can now start a test server with:

mapproxy-util serve-develop mapproxy.yaml

Paster (PasteDeploy/PasteScript) is no longer a requirement, but it is
still supported.

- http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/deployment.html


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt | @oltonn

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