[MapProxy] Tiled wms configuration problems

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Tue May 14 04:10:11 PDT 2013

Hi Jonas,

On 13.05.2013, at 12:59, jonas at geospatial.ee wrote:
> Thanks for the answer. I tried to re-configure my yaml but ended up with map showing tiles - but showing only one. It seems like it requests only for one tile and caching it and then showing it in every resolution.
> If you could guide me once more I would be very thankful!
> [...]
> sources:
>  maaamet_kaart:
>    type: tile
>    grid: maaamet_tc
>    url: http://tiles.maaamet.ee/tm/s/?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYERS=kaart&BBOX=40500,5993000,1064500,7017000&FORMAT=image%%2Fpng

Please re-read the docs I gave you:
and http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/sources.html#tiles-label

The `url` should contain a URL template. It needs to look like this:

> sources:
>  maaamet_kaart:
>    type: tile
>    grid: maaamet_tc
>    url: http://tiles.maaamet.ee/tm/s/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s.png

The exact URL template depends on the service. 


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.com
http://mapproxy.org | https://github.com/olt    | @oltonn

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