[MapProxy] Installing Mapproxy on Windows - using MS4W

B. Baas b.baas at baasgeo.com
Sat Sep 20 11:32:40 PDT 2014

Hello Mark, you could try out this windows installer version and see if it suits you: https://bartbaas.github.io/MapProxyWindows/

It makes use of portable python. Doesn’t support gdal though.


Bart Baas  | Baas geo-information  | http://baasgeo.com
https://github.com/baasb  | http://nl.linkedin.com/in/baasb/

On 19 Sep 2014, at 21:54, TDS <tds at tds-net.de<mailto:tds at tds-net.de>> wrote:

Hello Mark,

try the following Apache2.4 snippet for question 3 and change it to your paths (WSGI without VirtualEnv):

# if not loaded elsewhere
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
WSGIScriptAlias /mapproxy /mapfiles/mapproxy/config.py
WSGIDaemonProcess mapproxy-wsgi-daemon processes=4 threads=8
WSGIProcessGroup mapproxy-wsgi-daemon
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
<Directory /mapfiles/mapproxy>
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

For IIS I can't give you a solution.

Bye, Mathias
mailto:tds at tds-net.de
You have a question? - 42 or RTFM.
Am 19.09.2014 um 21:14 schrieb Mark Volz:

While installing mapproxy on windows, specifically on the step to install pyproj, easy install reported the following error:  “Unable to find vcvarsall.bat.”

1)      Is there any way to fix the unable to find vccarsall.bat error?
2)      If I would like to use GDAL that is included with MS4W.  All of the executables for GDAL are in c:\ms4w\tools.  All of the python code appears to be in c:\ms4w\python\gdal.  Which path or paths should I set for the system environment variables? Or would I be better off installing GDAL?
3)      The installation notes for windows mentions that we should skip the creation of the virtualenv if we would like to use mod_wsgi.  Maybe I missed something, but I did not see instructions as to how to install Mapproxy without virtualenv.  Could someone clairify this for me please.


Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator

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