[MapProxy] Cleanups

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Mon Aug 31 00:49:14 PDT 2015


> On 28.08.2015, at 15:48, Petróczki Imre <petroczkiimre at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have some questions about cleanups:
> - if i use the remove_before parameter then MapProxy deletes those
> tiles which are created before the given day? is it correct?

Yes that’s right.

> Is there
> any way to delete the tiles by the last reading date? I mean, those
> tiles will be deleted which are displayed the longest time ago.

No, using the access time of a tile is not supported.

> - if i want to specify a time for the remove_before, what are the
> acceptable formats?



Oliver Tonnhofer  | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG  | http://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services         | http://maps.omniscale.com

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