[MapProxy] Translating Proj4Leaflet config to Grids yaml

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Thu Sep 10 06:33:32 PDT 2015


On 10.09.2015, at 13:47, Daniel Cheng (SDiZ) <sdiz at sdiz.net> wrote:
> grids:
>     epsg2326:
>         srs: EPSG:2326
>         res: [ 42.33341800016934, 21.16670900008467, 10.583354500042335, 5.291677250021167, 2.6458386250105836, 1.3229193125052918, 0.6614596562526459, 0.33072982812632296, 0.16536491406316148 ]
>         origin: nw
>         bbox_srs: EPSG:4326
>         bbox: [ 129.71179031844, -89.996752339456, -129.71179031844, 89.996752339456 ]

The tile grids need to match "pixel perfect", otherwise you will get unexpected results. You should define the bbox in the same projection with the same origin values.

When Proj4Leaflet expects the origin north/west, then the bbox of the first tile should look like:
[-4786700, 8353100-42.33341800016934*256, -4786700+42.33341800016934*256, 8353100]
Assuming that Proj4Leaflet calculates the tile grid with a single tile in the first zoom level.

In MapProxy it should look like:

        srs: EPSG:2326
        res: [ 42.33341800016934, 21.16670900008467, 10.583354500042335, 5.291677250021167, 2.6458386250105836, 1.3229193125052918, 0.6614596562526459, 0.33072982812632296, 0.16536491406316148 ]
        origin: nw
        bbox: [-4786700, 8342262.644991957, -4775862.644991957, 8353100]

(Untested, but you get the idea)


Oliver Tonnhofer  | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG  | http://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services         | http://maps.omniscale.com

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