[MapProxy] extension-less tiles as source?

Pestereva, Anna apestereva at aerialservicesinc.com
Fri Feb 5 15:41:04 PST 2016

Hello all,

has anyone had experience with using tiles without any extensions as a
Mapproxy source?

So far my tests were not successful, I tried configuring these URLs in my
source with no luck:
url: file:///path/to/my/tiles/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s
url: file:///path/to/my/tiles/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s.
There were no errors when trying to view my layer, but no imagery was
served either, and no cache got generated.

In our case, we need to use hybrid tile format (jpg+png) and Maptiler
started producing hybrid tiles with no extensions as of version 0.6.3.
Leaflet does show such tiles if configuring directly, like so
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}', options).addTo(map);
However we are looking to use these tiles in Mapproxy.

Thank you!
*Anna Pestereva, GISP | Application Developer & Cartographer*
*Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI) *
APestereva at AerialServicesInc.com <apestereva at AerialServicesInc.com> |
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