[MapProxy] mixed cache format from png source

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Wed Jun 15 01:04:00 PDT 2016


MapProxy does not decode/re-encode tiles from a TMS if the tiles can be stored directly in the cache (e.g. no tile merging as in MixedSource_cache, no reprojection, etc).

Untested: You might be able to work around this optimization if you create a second dummy source for this cache with `seed_only: true` and a coverage that is outside of the grid.


Oliver Tonnhofer  | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG  | http://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services         | http://maps.omniscale.com

> On 07.06.2016, at 17:37, Pestereva, Anna <apestereva at aerialservicesinc.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are trying to achieve optimal tile size for WMTS streaming based on a all-PNG TMS source. For that we turned to mixed cache format, however it seems the size of each .mixed tile in cache is still 150-180kb, and IrfanView reads them as PNG type - although they are not at the edge of the dataset, so should technically become JPEGs and be 20-30kb..
> We also have other TMS sources that are stored in JPEG+PNG format, and when mixed cache format is applied to that source - we can definitely take advantage of the underlying JPEG tile sources and decrease the size of streamed WMTS tiles. IrfanView also reads those streamed tiles as JPEG type as expected. All good in this case.
> By the way, before we enabled mixed cache format for the mixed tile source - cache tiles were streamed as PNGs and of PNG level size (150-200kb). So it seems, MapProxy did convert our JPEG source tiles into PNG cache tiles. Now, coming back to the first paragraph, my question is - would it convert my source PNG tiles into JPEG-type cache tiles of mixed format? Or would we ultimately need to re-tile our data into JPEG+PNG TMS source to be able to actually take advantage of smaller tile sizes of mixed cache format for streaming? 
> I wonder if I am doing something wrong or this is how MapProxy works? 
> Here is a sample of our cache config (first one produces needed results, second one not):
>   MixedSource_cache:
>     grids: [webmercator]
>     sources: [MixedSource_p_tms, MixedSource_j_tms]
>     format: mixed
>     request_format: image/png
>   PNGSource_cache:
>     grids: [webmercator]
>     sources: [PNGSource_p_tms]
>     format: mixed
>     request_format: image/png
> Thanks in advance!
> -- 
> Anna Pestereva, GISP | Application Developer & Cartographer
> Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI) 
> Office: (319) 277-0436 | Direct: (319) 553-0261 | Mobile: (319) 830-6340 | Fax: (866) 800-4799
> 6315 Chancellor Drive | Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 
> APestereva at AerialServicesInc.com | LinkedIn
> www.AerialServicesInc.com | Photo{blog}metry
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