[MapProxy] Antwort: Crash while seeding with certain res-values

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Tue Mar 1 08:00:34 PST 2016


thanks for the information. It is now fixed: https://github.com/mapproxy/mapproxy/commit/8e528a15220ca9b1ce72c72788f81ce5e0bfb1e2

> On 29.02.2016, at 09:41, Sven.Moeller at itk-rheinland.de wrote:
> Dear Mailing-List, 
> I could handle the error myself and it was indeed an issue with calculating the ETA für the console-output. 
> In the seed\util.py script a ValueError gets caught  in def eta_string(self). This doesn't work anymore for Python > 3.3. Instead OSError has to be caught. To do so, simply change the line "except ValueError:" into "except OSError:". 
> Regards
> Sven Möller
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Oliver Tonnhofer  | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG  | http://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services         | http://maps.omniscale.com

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