[MapProxy] Merging 3 sources for different scale levels as a single service

Josh Norton joshnortons at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 13:49:47 PDT 2017

Thanks for your help Just.
I hadn't tried applying the min_res and max_res directly to the source only
against a grid. My configuration is below.


*  demo:*
*  tms:*
*  wmts:*
*    restful: true*
*    kvp: true*

*-   name: Topo*
*    title: Topo*
*    sources: [topo_cache_gpk]*

*  topo_cache_gpk:*
*    sources: [topo_esri_source, linz_topo250_source, linz_topo50_source]*
*    cache:*
*      type: geopackage*
*      filename: /opt/mapproxy/cache_data/topo_tiles.gpk*
*      table_name: topo*

*  topo_esri_source:*
*    type: tile*
*    transparent: true*
*    url:

*  linz_topo250_source:*
*    type: tile*
*    transparent: true*
*    url:
*    min_res: 1222*
*    max_res: 38*

*  linz_topo50_source:*
*    type: tile*
*    transparent: true*
*    url:
*    min_res: 38*
*    max_res: 0.2*

*  image:*
*    formats:*
*      default_format:*
*        format: image/png*
*        colors: 0*
*        resampling_method: bilinear*

On 26 August 2017 at 00:37, Just van den Broecke <just at justobjects.nl>

> Hi,
> I just did almost the same, though with 2 sources and without
> cache-storage. After quite some fiddling with configs, it worked by playing
> with min_res, max_res and transparency on the source-level.
> Keep the grid defs as is (GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR in your case). Tiles are here
> only requested from 1 TMS remote source at a time, otherwise a transparent
> png is returned by source locally, my config-sketch:
> layers:
>   - name: combilayer
>     title: combined topo..
>     sources: [combi_cache]
> caches:
>   combi_cache:
>     grids: [dutch_grid]
>     disable_storage: true
>     sources: [source1, source2]
>     format: image/png
>     meta_buffer: 0
> sources:
>   source1:
>     type: tile
>     url: URL1..%(tms_path)s.png
>     transparent: true
>     grid: dutch_grid
>     max_res: 0.84
>   source2:
>     type: tile
>     url: URL2..%(tms_path)s.png
>     transparent: true
>     grid: dutch_grid
>     min_res: 0.84
> grids:
>   dutch_grid:
>     tile_size: [256, 256]
>     srs: 'EPSG:28992'
>     bbox: [-285401.920, 22598.080, 595401.920, 903401.920]
>     bbox_srs: 'EPSG:28992'
>     res: [3440.64, 1720.32, 860.16, 430.08, 215.04, 107.52, 53.76, 26.88,
> 13.44, 6.72, 3.36, 1.68, 0.84, 0.42, 0.21, 0.105, 0.0525]
> etc, no specific grid definitions. Though with 3 layers you have to play
> with min_res and max_res for the "middle" scale 1:250. Somehow I got errors
> "min_res > "max_res" when both specified on source. Looks like they need to
> be reversed? Maybe others can fill in here.
> Best,
> Just van den Broecke
> On 25-08-17 02:06, Josh Norton wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm wanting to merge 3 tiled sources into a single tiled service as below:
>> Global topo service for levels 0-7
>> Country 1:250k service for levels 8-12 (rendering the global tiles in
>> areas outside the country covered)
>> Country 1:50k service for levels 13- (rendering the global tiles for
>> areas outside the country covered)
>> I have been able to merge the first 2 services where the country 250k
>> renders on top of the global service but I am unable to control the
>> scale that the 250k or 50k tiles start to render.
>> I have tried specifying a set resolution list, setting min_res and
>> max_res, num_levels etc
>> A working configuration file is below with some options commented out in
>> the grid section that do not produce the desired results.
>> Grateful for any help anyone can offer.
>> Josh
>> /services:/
>> /  demo:/
>> /  tms:/
>> /  wmts:/
>> /    restful: true/
>> /    kvp: true/
>> /
>> /
>> /layers:/
>> /
>> /
>> /-   name: Topo/
>> /    title: Topo/
>> /    sources: [topo_cache_gpk]/
>> /
>> /
>> /-   name: LINZtopo50/
>> /    title: LINZ Topo 50/
>> /    sources: [linz_topo50_cache_gpk]/
>> /
>> /
>> /-   name: LINZtopo250/
>> /    title: LINZ Topo 250/
>> /    sources: [linz_topo250_cache_gpk]/
>> /    /
>> /caches:/
>> /
>> /
>> /  topo_cache_gpk:/
>> /    sources: [topo_esri_source, linz_topo250_source]/
>> /    grids: [GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR]/
>> /    cache:/
>> /      type: geopackage/
>> /      filename: /opt/mapproxy/cache_data/topo_tiles.gpk/
>> /      table_name: topo/
>> /
>> /
>> /  topo_esri_cache_gpk:/
>> /    sources: [topo_esri_source]/
>> /    grids: [GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR]/
>> /    cache:/
>> /      type: geopackage/
>> /      filename: /opt/mapproxy/cache_data/topo_esri_tiles.gpk/
>> /      table_name: topo_esri/
>> /
>> /
>> /  linz_topo50_cache_gpk:/
>> /    sources: [linz_topo50_source]/
>> /    grids: [GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR]/
>> /    cache:/
>> /      type: geopackage/
>> /      filename: /opt/mapproxy/cache_data/LINZ_topo50_tiles.gpk/
>> /      table_name: linz_topo50/
>> /      /
>> /  linz_topo250_cache_gpk:/
>> /    sources: [linz_topo250_source]/
>> /    grids: [GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR]/
>> /    cache:/
>> /      type: geopackage/
>> /      filename: /opt/mapproxy/cache_data/LINZ_topo250_tiles.gpk/
>> /      table_name: linz_topo250/
>> /
>> /
>> /sources:/
>> /  topo_esri_source:/
>> /    type: tile/
>> /    url:
>> ile/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s
>> <
>> tile/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s>/
>> /
>> /
>> /  linz_topo50_source:/
>> /    type: tile/
>> /    transparent: true/
>> /    grid: 'topo50grid'/
>> /    url:
>> http://tiles-a.data-cdn.linz.govt.nz/services;key=dd53dc504e
>> 3b4c37a627fa41a74ffd2b/tiles/v4/layer=2343/EPSG:3857/%(z)s/
>> %(x)s/%(y)s.png
>> <http://tiles-a.data-cdn.linz.govt.nz/services;key=dd53dc504
>> e3b4c37a627fa41a74ffd2b/tiles/v4/layer=2343/EPSG:3857/%(z)s/
>> %(x)s/%(y)s.png>/
>> /  /
>> /  linz_topo250_source:/
>> /    type: tile/
>> /    transparent: true/
>> /    grid: 'topo250grid'/
>> /    url:
>> http://tiles-a.data-cdn.linz.govt.nz/services;key=dd53dc504e
>> 3b4c37a627fa41a74ffd2b/tiles/v4/layer=2324/EPSG:3857/%(z)s/
>> %(x)s/%(y)s.png
>> <http://tiles-a.data-cdn.linz.govt.nz/services;key=dd53dc504
>> e3b4c37a627fa41a74ffd2b/tiles/v4/layer=2324/EPSG:3857/%(z)s/
>> %(x)s/%(y)s.png>/
>> /
>> /
>> /grids:/
>> /  topo250grid:/
>> /    #num_levels: 6/
>> /    #max_res: 4891.96981025128/
>> /    #res: [611.49622628141, 305.748113140705, 152.8740565703525,
>> 76.43702828517625, 38.21851414258813, 19.109257071294063]/
>> /  topo50grid:/
>> /    #res: [9.554628535647032, 4.777314267823516, 2.388657133911758,
>> 1.194328566955879, 0.5971642834779395, 0.29858214173896974]    /
>> /
>> /
>> /# globals:/
>> /#   image:/
>> /#     formats:/
>> /#       default_format:/
>> /#         format: image/png/
>> /#         colors: 0/
>> /#         resampling_method: bilinear/
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