[MapProxy] Problem with HTTPS source and self-signed certificate

Roman Woessner roman.woessner at disy.net
Wed Sep 27 08:59:09 PDT 2017


we use Mapproxy (1.10.0) with an OSM-TileServer source accessible by HTTPS.

The tileservers SSL certificate is self-signed.

For this case, the Mapproxy documentation tells us...

"If you want to use SSL but do not need certificate verification, then you can disable it with the ssl_no_cert_checks option. You can also disable this check on a source level, see WMS source options."

Therefore our configuration includes...
  ssl_no_cert_checks: True"
... on the "globals"-level.

This has the effect, that Mapproxy successfully initializes without a cert verification error.
But we still get the following error, as soon as Mapproxy tries to connect to its tileserver source:

Could not verify connection to URL: "https://our.tileserver/0/0/0.png": [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate ...

It seems that the config parameter "ssl_no_cert_checks" does not have any effect here.

Can you help us? Is there anythin we have not considered?

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