[MapProxy] Retrieve percentage of a seeding process

Daniel Degasperi daniel.degasperi at r3-gis.com
Thu Apr 12 05:02:26 PDT 2018


I'm wondering, which is the best practice to retrieve the current
percentage of a seeding process.

First I've tried to use the option "--progress-file", but it seems not
storing the information about the percentage. The output of my example is:
{('demo', 'demo_mbtile_cache', 'epsg3857'): [(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0,
1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)]}

Then I've tried to pipe the stdout into a log file and extract the
percentage from the last line. This approach was already better, because
I've obtained each 30 seconds a update about the percentage.

But still it does not satisfy my needs. I want to update the percentage
every second to show the current status of the seeding progress via a web

The 30 seconds are automatically assigned, because due piping the stdout
into a log file, the seed binary recognize that it's a tty and adds
automatically the "quiet" option
and quiet option 1 means no verbose ProgressLog

Should i make a wrapper around the seeding process and fake the tty to
Has anybody a better solution?

Best regards,

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