[MapProxy] mapproxy-seed: why re-request tiles that are in cache?

Anne Blankert anne.blankert at geodan.nl
Wed Oct 3 08:08:05 PDT 2018

Yes there was a problem in my configuration.

    base_dir: 'path_to_caches_dir'
    lock_dir: 'path_to_lock_dir'

In my case 'path_to_lock_dir' was pointing to a non-existing directory


Op wo 3 okt. 2018 om 17:01 schreef Anne Blankert <anne.blankert at geodan.nl>:

> Hello,
> If I remember correctly, mapproxy-seed should only request new data from
> the remote source if the tiles in the cache are out of date or not
> available?
> According to documentation, https://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/seed.html,
> there are mapproxy-seed options '--continue' and '--progress-file'. Why do
> these options exist? mapproxy-seed could find existing tiles in the cache
> and quickly skip tiles until it finds out-of-date or non-existing tiles?
> I am suspecting there is something wrong in my configuration. File
> permissions in the cache seem to be correct and I see the cache is being
> filled by mapproxy-seed. However, if I restart mapproxy-seed, the seeding
> starts requesting data from the remote source also for tiles that are
> already in the cache.
> Is this re-requesting by design or is something wrong in my configuration?
> My seed.yaml:
> seeds:
>   nextzenelevation:
>     caches: [nextzenelevation_cache]
>     grids: [webmercator]
>     levels:
>       from: 0
>       to: 3
> My cache definition:
> caches:
>   nextzenelevation_cache:
>     sources: [nextzenelevation_tiles]
>     format: image/png
>     grids: [webmercator]
> sources:
>    nextzenelevation_tiles:
>      type: tile
>      url:
> https://tile.nextzen.org/tilezen/terrain/v1/256/terrarium/%(tms_path)s.%(format)s?api_key=xxxx
>      grid: webmercator
> grids:
>   webmercator:
>     srs: EPSG:900913
>     origin: nw
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