[MapProxy] How do I get these tile sets overlayed with transparency?

Daniel Cebulla daniel.cebulla at jena.de
Sun Dec 1 23:34:46 PST 2024

Hi Michael,

I don't remember it for 100 %, but I think the key changing setting is 
to set "paletted" to "false" in the global config.

As the docs website is not availably at the moment have look at the 
github file:

There it says:
paletted: Enable paletted (8bit) PNG images. It defaults to true for 
backwards compatibility. You should set this to false if you need 24bit 
PNG files. You can enable 8bit PNGs for single caches with a custom 
format (colors: 256).

Only 24 Bit PNGs have an alpha channel. And as "transparent" is difined as:
transparent: true if the image should have an alpha channel.

I think you have to sett "paletted" to "false" to get this work.

I am using transparent caches and I have set this option to false, so I 
think this should solve the issue.

Let us know if it worked!

Greetings Daniel

Daniel Cebulla
Application support GIS
on behalf of Dr. Arndt Döhler

Phone: +493641 49-5190      Mail: daniel.cebulla at jena.de

Kommunale Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation (KITT)

Municipal enterprise        Director of Operations: Dr. Arndt Döhler
of the city of Jena         Paradiesstr. 6, 07743 Jena

Am 01.12.2024 um 08:25 schrieb Michael Heerdegen via MapProxy:
> Michael Heerdegen via MapProxy <mapproxy at lists.osgeo.org> writes:
>> When you visit the demo service, you see only one layer.
> I am so disappointed.  I have invested now at least seven hours of time,
> with no result at all.
> I only want to get this map working, somehow:
>    https://basemap.de/produkte-und-dienste/
> Can mapproxy render the vector map?
> If not, I both tried with the tile service and the wms service.  In each
> case, I have two download several layers (base+relief), and I want to
> combine them.  I am enabling transparency, but mapproxy just wont use
> transparency.
> I'm attaching the wms version.  As you see, I am enabling transparency,
> mapproxy-util starts without any errors, but I'm only seeing one layer.
> Is anybody able to help?  In the meantime I have studied all examples, I
> have run examples where transparency worked, but I don't know what the
> crucial difference to my not working config is.  Is there something
> wrong with the tiles, don't they allow transparency, something like
> that?
> TIA,
> Michael.
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