[MapProxy] Solved... and tms?

Michael Heerdegen michael_heerdegen at web.de
Fri Dec 6 08:01:05 PST 2024

Hi Daniel,

> [...] The workaround would be, to configure a third cache with the
> other both caches as source and taking this as source for the
> layer. You can use "disable_storage: true", if you did not want to
> storage the third cache, too.

This approach is working great.

I also switched the order of the two layers as had been suggested, and
finally added bbox specs, although partly by wild guessing which srs to
specify.  Seems I got it more or less right.

And I guess it would maybe be more efficient to cache the final merging
(i.e. the new) layer instead of the other ones, because this is the one
I need anyway and caching it avoids repeated image processing - while the
other layers are not needed when the actually requested layer is cached.
Though, I still might cache the shading tiles because I might want to
use them for other maps, too.

This gives me a result as below.

I am very happy now because everything works as I imagined.  Thanks to
all for not losing patience with my trouble.



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