[MapProxy] New MapProxy 2.1.1 release

Johannes Weskamm weskamm at terrestris.de
Wed Jul 17 05:00:53 PDT 2024


We just released version 2.1.1 of MapProxy!

You can grab it as usual from https://pypi.org/project/MapProxy/

The docker images 
and documentation <http://mapproxy.github.io/mapproxy/> have been updated.

As the workflow of releases has been simplified and further automated, 
we will discontinue sending these release emails in the future.

If you want to be notified about new MapProxy versions, just star the 
repository on github.

The release notes can be found here 

Here are the major changes:


   * Configuration files can no be splitted into multiple files

   * Added jsonschema to validate configuration files

   * New theme for documentation, overall improvement of the 
documentation and github workflow for automatic creation

   * Improved docker images with better entrypoint and workflow to build 
docker images with a builder image

   * Added release workflow for automatic publishing on pypi and github


   * Dependency updates

   * Remove python 2 compatibility functions

   * Added flake8 linting

   * setup.py contains now required libraries

   * Remove depracated pkg_resources in favor of importlib_resources

   * Addressed shapely deprecations


   * Ensure make_app always returns MapProxyApp instance

   * Allow feature info responses of combined sources to be empty

   * Fix broken TMS demo

   * Fix problem with dimensions in load_tile_metadata

   * Fix GeoTIFF Headers



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