[MapProxy] http redirect to the tile urls of the source.

Edward Mac Gillavry edward at webmapper.net
Sun Feb 2 13:16:12 PST 2025

Hi Hemant,

Probably the "disable_storage" setting 
could address your scenario? This way, the WMS will always generate the 
map image as these won't be cached by MapProxy.



On 02-02-2025 19:17, Matt Walker via MapProxy wrote:
> Hi Hemant,
> I'm pretty sure what you're describing isn't possible with plain 
> vanilla MapProxy but should be possible with a custom WSGI middleware 
> sitting in front of MapProxy. See 
> https://mapproxy.github.io/mapproxy/latest/auth.html#wsgi-filter-middleware 
> for an example of returning an alternative response.
> Kind regards,
> Matt.
> https://longwayaround.org.uk/
> https://www.astuntechnology.com/
> On Sat, 1 Feb 2025, 03:46 B H via MapProxy, <mapproxy at lists.osgeo.org> 
> wrote:
>     I want to configure a mapproxy with the ability to send
>     redirects(http 302 status code)  to the tile urls of the source,
>     instead of serving the Tile content (mapproxy is acting as a
>     simple tile server)...
>     Is it possible for me to either configure (or extend through 
>     plugins) Mapporxy so that it serves 302 redirect urls instead of
>     actually serving the tiles?
>     In my case, there are two sources for different zooms and locations.
>     1) Fast source : for zoom 10-17 for a small geographical location
>     (E.g a small town)
>     2) Slow source: for zoom 1-9 for large geographical locations.(A
>     country)
>     The real WMS servers behind "Fast source" are going to have better
>     bandwidth and geographical distribution than the proxy. I am
>     trying to figure out if it can directly serve the content to client.
>     Thanks,
>     Hemant
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