[MapProxy] Caching dynamic layer combinations

Buch, Timo timo.buch at dfs.de
Tue Jan 14 04:58:05 PST 2025

Hey everyone,

We are currently trying to cache our WMS requests to GeoServer. In GeoServer, we have more than 30 layers that can be used in any combination. Our goal is to have some layer combinations seeded, but we still want to cache all requests with other layer combinations.

Since there are so many possible combinations, it’s not possible to write all of them in the config file. We know that MapProxy can combine the layers if we cache all layers separately, but we need to combine all the layers with GeoServer for our use case, so we need to cache the combined images.

Is there any way to cache layer combinations that have not been specified in the config file or is there a recommended workflow to solve this issue?


DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH • Am DFS-Campus • 63225 Langen • Tel.: +49 6103 707-0 • Sitz der Gesellschaft: Langen/Hessen • Zuständiges Registergericht: AG Offenbach am Main, HRB 34977 • Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: Antje Geese • Geschäftsführung: Arndt Schoenemann (Vors.), Dirk Mahns, Friedrich-Wilhelm Menge, Andrea Wächter • www.dfs.de<http://www.dfs.de>

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