[MapProxy] http redirect to the tile urls of the source.

B H hemantbist at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 19:45:51 PST 2025

I want to configure a mapproxy with the ability to send redirects(http 302
status code)  to the tile urls of the source, instead of serving the Tile
content (mapproxy is acting as a simple tile server)...
Is it possible for me to either configure (or extend through  plugins)
Mapporxy so that it serves 302 redirect urls instead of actually serving
the tiles?

In my case, there are two sources for different zooms and locations.
1) Fast source : for zoom 10-17 for a small geographical location (E.g a
small town)
2) Slow source: for zoom 1-9 for large geographical locations.(A country)

The real WMS servers behind "Fast source" are going to have better
bandwidth and geographical distribution than the proxy. I am trying to
figure out if it can directly serve the content to client.

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