[geojquery] Introducing a jquery + openlayers plugin

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Jun 23 11:35:22 EDT 2010

> Hello GeoJQuery list,
> Only a few days ago, while working to combine JQuery and OpenLayers, I 
> discovered the existence of GeoJQuery.
> As an exercise that ran a little out of control, I created (the 
> beginning of) a jQuery plugin that combines JQuery and OpenLayers.
> Please have a look at two examples:
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/plugintest.html
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/edugis.html

Hi Anne,

Thanx for sharing urls and code !  I must say that I find the maps to be 
quite responsive.  I like that toggling baselayers acts quickly and that 
legends are shown automatically for overlays.
> The current version of the code for the plugin is at: 
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/jquery.mapwidget.js

Just so I understand : is that all the JS code (plus OL js) that is 
needed for the urls you provided us ?  How does that compare with GeoExt 
and more importantly how much more JS code do you see will be needed to 
match all of the current GeoExt offering, especially in terms of look 
and feel ?

I don't want to start debates on which to use.  Just understand how 
geoJquery could be used in combination (or replacement ?) of GeoExt.  
You're touching the subject at http://research.geodan.nl/?p=148.  Would 
you mind elaborating on "it also seemed to be supporting most of the 
basic functions required by EduGIS" ?  Don't mind the license question : 
it's another issue altogether.  I'm interested in the 
functional/efficiency point of view.



> An article about the context and motives behind the plugin is at
> http://research.geodan.nl/?p=148
> Is this the type of plugin that the GeoJQuery group is thinking about?
> Regards,
> Anne Blankert
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