[geojquery] Size of the resulting JS stack

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Mar 15 08:57:32 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I find the threads in the new GeoJQuery list very stimulating, but 
please allow this non technical question.  One issue we have with the 
Ext-based solution is the weight of the libraries (and licence issues 
too for some people but that's another thread).  GeoExt compressed is 
IIRC around 60 KB.  Ext 3.0 is 600 KB.  I'm probably forgetting a few MBs.

Would a GeoJquery "UI" stack that would have the equivalent of what 
GeoExt delivers (or will deliver) be much smaller ?  I don't know much 
of JQuery.  I know there's JQuery UI, but I also gather there's someting 
called JQuery Tools that compresses to 5 kB and offers a bunch of UI 
goodies.  So, what would be the resulting JQuery* stack componentwise 
and sizewise like ?



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