[geojquery] First code for scoping-change approach

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 01:55:59 EDT 2010


here are the first bits for my currently preferred approach. It's still
in flux and we'll see what will happen. I would have create a branch on
SVN, but I wasn't sure if those files would have been accessible
somewhere, so I've put it on my webspace. Please have a look at:


The important bits for the library (and the layer loading) are in:

The basic layer control (to play with the API a bit) is at:

The benefits I see in this approach is that you can manipulate the
layers without caring about the map object at all, as they have there
own scope.

Please don't count that as a Volker vs. Marc. We both have the same
goals. We are still in the brainstorming phase (at least I am) and I
think it's helpful to have a lot of code to play with.


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