[geojquery] First code for scoping-change approach

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 16:23:03 EDT 2010

Hi Marc,

I like the "evererything is a plugin" a approach. I'll try to adapt in
my code. I really like the way ideas comes up. When we both keep adding
the things we like from each other's implementation we might even end up
with two implementations of the same public API :)


Marc Jansen wrote:
> Hi list, Hi Volker,
> fine, your example really looks promising (I hope to have a deeper look
> soon)!
> Yesterday I threw away everything I recently commited and rewrote "my"
> approach from scratch, so update your SVN checkout, please. (Volker, I
> don't see us two competing either).
> The idea behind the rewrite was to have a plugin system, that could
> fullfill the different needs we already have in the user base [1]. Think
> of the simple-map-plugin vs. the Rich-User-Interface. Erics point ("you
> can not wrap all OL objects, methods, attributes") was also helpful:
> Through the plugin system we only need to implement major functionality,
> any new Layertype in OL can be mapped to geohjquery within minutes: That
> is the code for WMS-Layers:
> ...
>    /**
>     * registering Layertype WMS
>     */
>    $.jqmapRegisterLayerType('wms', function(opts) {
>        var lyr = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>            opts.title,
>            opts.baseurl,
>            {
>                layers: opts.layers
>            }
>        );
>        return lyr;
>    });
> ...
> (I didn't implement all options of a WMS-Layer, but that should be easy^tm)
> All Layertypes are registered as plugins to geojquery base, as are all
> usual methods to work with them (in the future controls shall behave as
> layers currently do). The End-User API hasn't changed a bit, but the
> internal structure has. This would also enable us to divide our code
> into smaller files that are easier to manage (I already think of custom
> builds).
> Examples:
> http://www.geojquery.org/files/geojquery/examples/simple-map.html
> http://www.geojquery.org/files/geojquery/examples/multiple-maps.html
> The plugin with the declarations of the methods to extend the plugin
> itself:
> http://www.geojquery.org/files/geojquery/geojquery.js
> Again, everything ist still in changing, both implementation and
> possible API.
> Have a look and share your ideas!
> Regards,
> Marc
> [1] BTW I think the plugin approach was one reason of the big success of
> jQuery
> Volker Mische wrote:
>> Hi,
>> here are the first bits for my currently preferred approach. It's still
>> in flux and we'll see what will happen. I would have create a branch on
>> SVN, but I wasn't sure if those files would have been accessible
>> somewhere, so I've put it on my webspace. Please have a look at:
>> http://vmx.cx/tmp/geojq/example1.html
>> The important bits for the library (and the layer loading) are in:
>> http://vmx.cx/tmp/geojq/geojq.js
>> The basic layer control (to play with the API a bit) is at:
>> http://vmx.cx/tmp/geojq/layercontrol.js
>> The benefits I see in this approach is that you can manipulate the
>> layers without caring about the map object at all, as they have there
>> own scope.
>> Please don't count that as a Volker vs. Marc. We both have the same
>> goals. We are still in the brainstorming phase (at least I am) and I
>> think it's helpful to have a lot of code to play with.
>> Cheers,
>>   Volker
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