[geojquery] Name change

Christoph Baudson christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Tue Sep 14 03:19:19 EDT 2010

Volker Mische wrote:
> Hi All,
> the code sprint at the FOSS4G was great, thanks all that were coming. I
> wasn't happy with the name "geojquery" from the start, but couldn't
> think of anything better. At the code sprint that changed. Therefore I'd
> like to propose a new name we came up with at the code sprint:
> MapQuery
> Please vote on it (+1 yeah great!, 0 I don't care, -1 no! leave it as is
> or change it to something different).


as I really like jQuery Spatial...


> Feel free to propose other names.
> Cheers,
>   Volker
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53121 Bonn

Christoph Baudson

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