[MapQuery] test msg to list

Steven Ottens steven at minst.net
Thu Aug 4 16:47:33 EDT 2011

TBH, GeoEXT is much older and more developed as such it is the safer bet for a big project.

On the other hand, mapQuery is/should be easier to adept since it is following jQuery's way of writing code. I've dived into MapQuery because I didn't like Ext's all including style, especially on the layout/design bits. jQuery gives you easier design freedom, but at the cost that you've to do more work because there are mainly functions, not complete components. We've tried to provide an easy lib similar to jQuery/jQuery UI and we would love to hear feedback on how it feels/works/looks from a fresh view.

I'm currently writing new webmap-apps with MapQuery and any usable bits will filter back in MapQuery 0.2. They are very much like http://kaart.edugis.nl/ (pre mapquery 0.1 site) so that will give you an idea of what I'll be putting into 0.2. Other than that we haven't had a discussion on what 0.2 should look like. At foss4g in Denver we will discuss this and hopefully come up with a nice roadmap.


On Aug 4, 2011, at 10:24 PM, Arnie Shore wrote:

> Questions?  Where to begin?  I'll start with the download zip and its directory contents -  I'll get the specifics to you in a bit.
> Let me point out that you're competing with GeoExt for my affection in a project I'm planning (porting a Gmaps mashup to OSM/OL, with whatever JS lib works.)  While I'd like MapQuery to win, at this writing ...
> AS
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Steven Ottens <steven at minst.net> wrote:
> Hey Arnie,
> On Aug 4, 2011, at 7:53 PM, Arnie Shore wrote:
> > No list traffic - that I've seen, anyway - so this is a probe.
> >
> The list is a bit quiet ATM, I take it that MapQuery is so clear that no-one has any questions though ;)
> Feel free to ask though,
> Steven

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