[MapQuery] goto function

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 20:36:35 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I just found out that "goto" is a future reserved word in ECMAScript 3 
but not in ECMAScript 5. This means we can use it in the future ;)

This is probably also the reason why so many minifiers crash on the goto 
function. Although I really like the name, we might should think about 
changing the name. I have two propositions (feel free to add your own).

1. go

Rename "goto" to "go". It doesn't clash with any (future) reserved word 
and is even shorter

2. loc/location

Rename it to "location," or if that's too long just "loc". We don't use 
any abbreviations at the moment (we use "position", and not "pos"). So 
"location" would be more consistent. I actually prefer "location" over 
"go". The reason is that the current "goto" acts as a getter and as a 
setter, but "goto" is a verb. It makes way more sense to use a subject 
for things you can set and get (some might call it a resource). You can 
set a location and get a location, but how to you get a "goto"?


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