[MapQuery] jquery.tmpl templating system to be ended.

Drew Wells drew.wells00 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 10:50:01 EST 2011

Actually jQuery has stopped supporting it as an official plugin, jQuery UI
will support a templating plugin.  This apparently was announced at a
conference in the spring.   jQuery UI will first evaluate all options
before starting their own, so it could be some time until it's out.

Moore has made significant improvements in speed of a string based
templating engine.  I doubt the string syntax will change significantly, so
existing templates will likely be easily reuseable.  Hopefully, they will
simplify the API syntax it is awful awful awful.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Justin Penka <jpenka at sdrmaps.com> wrote:

> **
> So we have a bit of an issue, it appears that the JQueryUI team has
> decided not to continue on with the usage of jquery.tmpl for template
> purposes. They have halted all development and the are reevaluating
> requirements. In the mean time the original author of jquery.tmpl has also
> moved on to developing another iteration of the jquery.tmpl system called
> jsrender/jsview. This leaves us with a decision about where to go regarding
> our usage of jquery.tmpl. Link below for more information, and opinions
> please.
> http://www.borismoore.com/2011/10/jquery-templates-and-jsviews-roadmap.html
> -Justin
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