[mapserver-commits] r8220 - trunk/docs/utilities
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svn at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 9 15:34:48 EST 2008
Author: hobu
Date: 2008-12-09 15:34:47 -0500 (Tue, 09 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 8220
delete redundant docs
Deleted: trunk/docs/utilities/available-packages.txt
--- trunk/docs/utilities/available-packages.txt 2008-12-09 15:30:05 UTC (rev 8219)
+++ trunk/docs/utilities/available-packages.txt 2008-12-09 20:34:47 UTC (rev 8220)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- `MS4W Windows installer`_ - in /ms4w/tools/mapserv-utils/ (run the setenv.bat file before using)
-- `FWTools package`_ - all utils are available through shell window
-- `FGS Linux installer`_ - run setenv.sh before using
-.. #### rST Link Section ####
-.. _`MS4W Windows installer`: http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/
-.. _`FWTools package`: http://fwtools.maptools.org/
-.. _`FGS Linux installer`: http://www.maptools.org/fgs/
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/docs/utilities/index.txt
--- trunk/docs/utilities/index.txt 2008-12-09 15:30:05 UTC (rev 8219)
+++ trunk/docs/utilities/index.txt 2008-12-09 20:34:47 UTC (rev 8220)
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
:maxdepth: 2
- available-packages
Deleted: trunk/docs/utilities/utilityreference.txt
--- trunk/docs/utilities/utilityreference.txt 2008-12-09 15:30:05 UTC (rev 8219)
+++ trunk/docs/utilities/utilityreference.txt 2008-12-09 20:34:47 UTC (rev 8220)
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-.. _ut_ref:
- utility Reference
-.. contents:: Table of Contents
- :depth: 2
- :backlinks: top
-Packages available with the utilities ready to use:
-- `MS4W Windows installer`_ - in /ms4w/tools/mapserv-utils/ (run the setenv.bat file before using)
-- `FWTools package`_ - all utils are available through shell window
-- `FGS Linux installer`_ - run setenv.sh before using
- Creates a map image from a mapfile. Output is either PNG or GIF depending
- on what version of the GD library used. This is a useful utility to test your
- mapfile. You can simply provide the path to your mapfile and the name of an output
- image, and an image should be returned. If an image cannot be created an error will
- be displayed at the command line that should refer to a line number in the mapfile.
- ::
- shp2img -m [mapfile] -o [image] -e minx miny maxx maxy
- -t -l [layers] -i [format]
- -m mapfile: Map file to operate on - required.
- -i format: Override the IMAGETYPE value to pick output format.
- -t: enable transparency
- -o image: output filename (stdout if not provided)
- -e minx miny maxx maxy: extents to render optional
- -l layers: layers to enable optional
- -all_debug n: Set debug level for map and all layers.
- -map_debug n: Set map debug level.
- -layer_debug layer_name n: Set layer debug level.
- -p n: pause for n seconds after reading the map
- ::
- shp2img -m vector_blank.map -o test.png
- A file named test.png is created, that you can drag into your browser to view.
-:Purpose: Creates a legend from a mapfile. Output is either PNG or GIF depending
- on what version of the GD library used.
- ::
- legend [mapfile] [output image]
-:Purpose: Creates a scalebar from a mapfile. Output is either PNG or GIF depending
- on what version of the GD library used.
-:Syntax: scalebar [mapfile] [output image]
- Sorts a shapefile based on a single column in ascending or descending order.
- Supports INTEGER, DOUBLE and STRING column types. Useful for prioritizing shapes
- for rendering and/or labeling.
- The idea here is that if you know that you need to display a certain attribute
- classed by a certain value, it will be faster for MapServer to access that value
- if it is at the beginning of the attribute file.
- ::
- sortshp [infile] [outfile] [item] [ascending|descending]
- This example uses a roads file (roads_ugl) that has a field with road classes in
- integer format (class1).
- ::
- sortshp roads_ugl roads-sort class1 ascending
- A new shapefile named roads-sort.shp is created with shapes sorted in ascending order,
- according to the values in the class1 field, as shown in Figure 3 below.
-:Purpose: Creates a graphic dump of a symbol file. Output is either PNG or GIF
- depending on what version of the GD library used. (this utility is not currently
- included in pre-compiled packages, due to issues mentioned in `bug#506`_)
-:Syntax: sym2img [symbolfile] [outfile]
-:Purpose: Creates a quadtree-based spatial index for a shapefile. The default
- tree depth is calculated so that each tree node (quadtree cell) contains 8 shapes.
- Do not use the default with point files, a value between 6 and 10 seems to work ok.
- Your millage may vary and you'll need to do some experimenting.
- This utility is a must for any MapServer application that uses shapefiles. Shptree
- creates a spatial index of your shapefile, using a quadtree method. This means that
- MapServer will use this index to quickly find the appropriate shapes to draw. It creates
- a file of the same name as your shapefile, with a *.qix* file extension.
- The quadtree method breaks the file into 4 quadrants, recursively until only a few shapes
- are contained in each quadrant. This minimum number can be set with the <depth> parameter
- of the command. More information on this command can be found at:
- http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ShpTree
- ::
- shptree <shpfile> [<depth>] [<index_format>]
- Where:
- <shpfile> is the name of the .shp file to index.
- <depth> (optional) is the maximum depth of the inde
- to create, default is 0 meaning that shptre
- will calculate a reasonable default depth.
- <index_format> (optional) is one of:
- NL: LSB byte order, using new index format
- NM: MSB byte order, using new index format
- The following old format options are deprecated
- N: Native byte order
- L: LSB (intel) byte order
- M: MSB byte order
- The default index_format on this system is: NL
- ::
- shptree us_states.shp
- creating index of new LSB format
- A file named us_states.qix is created in the same location. (note that you can
- use the shptreevis utility, described next, to view the actual quadtree quadrants that
- are used by MapServer in this qix file)
- This utility can be used to view the quadtree quadrants that are part of a .qix file
- (that was created with the shptree utility).
- ::
- shptreevis
- shptreevis shapefile new_shapefile
- ::
- shptreevis us_states.shp quad.shp
- This new LSB index supports a shapefile with 2895 shapes, 10 depth
- A shapefile named quad.shp is created. You can now view this shapefile in a desktop
- GIS (such as `QGIS`_ for example) to see the quadtrees that were created with
- the shptree command.
- Creates a tile index shapefile for use with MapServer's TILEINDEX feature. The program
- creates a shapefile of rectangles from extents of all the shapefiles listed in [metafile]
- (one shapefile name per line) and the associated DBF with the filename for each shape tile
- in a column called LOCATION as required by mapserv.
- This utility creates a shapefile containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of all
- shapes in the files provided, which can then be used in the LAYER objects TILEINDEX parameter
- of the mapfile. The new filed created with this command is used by MapServer to only load
- the files assocated with that extent (or tile).
- ::
- tile4ms <meta-file> <tile-file> [-tile-path-only]
- <meta-file> INPUT file containing list of shapefile names
- (complete paths 255 chars max, no extension)
- <tile-file> OUTPUT shape file of extent rectangles and names
- of tiles in <tile-file>.dbf
- -tile-path-only Optional flag. If specified then only the path to the
- shape files will be stored in the LOCATION field
- instead of storing the full filename.
-:Short Example:
- create tileindex.shp for all tiles under the /path/to/data directory:
- ::
- <on Unix>
- cd /path/to/data
- find . -name "/*.shp" -print > metafile.txt
- tile4ms metafile.txt tileindex
- <on Windows>
- dir /b /s /*.shp > metafile.txt
- tile4ms metafile.txt tileindex
-:Long Example:
- This example uses TIGER Census data, where the data contains files divided
- up by county (in fact there are over 3200 counties, a very large dataset
- indeed). In this example we will show how to display all lakes for the
- state of Minnesota. (note that here we have already converted the TIGER data
- into shapefile format, but you could keep the data in TIGER format and use
- the ogrtindex utility instead) The TIGER Census data for Minnesota is made
- up of 87 different counties, each containing its own lakes file (wp.shp).
- 1. We need to create the meta-file for the tile4ms command. This is a text
- file of the paths to all wp.shp files for the MN state. To create this
- file we can use a few simple commands:
- ::
- DOS: dir wp.shp /b /s > wp_list.txt
- (this includes full paths to the data, you might want to edit the txt
- file to remove the full path)
- UNIX: find -name *wp.shp -print > wp_list.txt
- The newly created file might look like the following (after removing the
- full path):
- ::
- 001\wp.shp
- 003\wp.shp
- 005\wp.shp
- 007\wp.shp
- 009\wp.shp
- 011\wp.shp
- 013\wp.shp
- 015\wp.shp
- 017\wp.shp
- 019\wp.shp
- . . .
- 2. Execute the tile4ms command with the newly created meta-file to create the
- index file:
- ::
- tile4ms wp_list.txt index
- Processed 87 of 87 files
- 3. A new file named index.shp is created. This is the index file with the MBRs
- of all wp.shp files for the entire state, as shown in Figure 4. The attribute
- table of this file contains a field named LOCATION, that contains the path to
- each wp.shp file, as shown in Figure 5.
- Figure 4: Index file created by tile4ms utility
- Figure 5: Attributes of index file created by tile4ms utility
- 4. The final step is to use this in your mapfile.
- - LAYER objects TILEINDEX - must point to the location of the index file
- - LAYER objects TILEITEM - specify the name of the field in the index file
- containing the paths (default is location)
- - do not need to use the LAYERs DATA parameter
- For example:
- ::
- NAME mn-lakes
- TILEINDEX "index"
- TILEITEM "location"
- NAME "mn-lakes"
- COLOR 0 0 255
- When you view the layer in a MapServer application, you will notice that when
- you are zoomed into a small area of the state only those lakes layers are
- loaded, which speeds up the application (shown in Figure 6).
-.. #### rST Link Section ####
-.. _`MS4W Windows installer`: http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/
-.. _`FWTools package`: http://fwtools.maptools.org/
-.. _`FGS Linux installer`: http://www.maptools.org/fgs/
-.. _`bug#506`: http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=506
-.. _`QGIS`: http://www.qgis.org/
\ No newline at end of file
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