[mapserver-commits] r9342 - trunk/mapserver

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 24 13:17:41 EDT 2009

Author: assefa
Date: 2009-09-24 13:17:40 -0400 (Thu, 24 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 9342

support axis ordering for WFS 1.1 (#2899)

Modified: trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT
--- trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT	2009-09-24 01:56:24 UTC (rev 9341)
+++ trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT	2009-09-24 17:17:40 UTC (rev 9342)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 Current Version (SVN trunk):
+ - support axis odering for WFS 1.1 (#2899)
 Version 5.6.0-beta1 (2009-09-23):

Modified: trunk/mapserver/mapgml.c
--- trunk/mapserver/mapgml.c	2009-09-24 01:56:24 UTC (rev 9341)
+++ trunk/mapserver/mapgml.c	2009-09-24 17:17:40 UTC (rev 9342)
@@ -1360,6 +1360,40 @@
+/*                             msAxisSwapShape                          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Utility function to swap x and y coordiatesn Use for now for    */
+/*      WFS 1.1.x                                                       */
+void msAxisSwapShape(shapeObj *shape)
+    double tmp;
+    int i,j;
+    if (shape)
+    {
+        for(i=0; i<shape->numlines; i++) 
+        {
+            for( j=0; j<shape->line[i].numpoints; j++ ) 
+            {
+                tmp = shape->line[i].point[j].x;
+                shape->line[i].point[j].x = shape->line[i].point[j].y;
+                shape->line[i].point[j].y = tmp;
+            }
+        }
+        /*swap bounds*/
+        tmp = shape->bounds.minx;
+        shape->bounds.minx = shape->bounds.miny;
+        shape->bounds.miny = tmp;
+        tmp = shape->bounds.maxx;
+        shape->bounds.maxx = shape->bounds.maxy;
+        shape->bounds.maxy = tmp;
+    }
 ** msGMLWriteWFSQuery()
@@ -1383,13 +1417,42 @@
   gmlConstantObj *constant=NULL;
   char *namespace_prefix=NULL;
+  const char *axis = NULL;
+  int bSwapAxis = 0;
+  double tmp;
+  /*add a check to see if the map projection is set to be north-east*/
+  for( i = 0; i < map->projection.numargs; i++ )
+  {
+      if( strstr(map->projection.args[i],"epsgaxis=") != NULL )
+      {
+          axis = strstr(map->projection.args[i],"=") + 1;
+          break;
+      }
+  }
+  if (axis && strcasecmp(axis,"ne") == 0 )
+    bSwapAxis = 1;
   /* Need to start with BBOX of the whole resultset */
   if (msGetQueryResultBounds(map, &resultBounds) > 0)
-    gmlWriteBounds(stream, outputformat, &resultBounds, msOWSGetEPSGProj(&(map->projection), &(map->web.metadata), "FGO", MS_TRUE), "      ");
+  {
+      if (bSwapAxis)
+      {
+          tmp = resultBounds.minx;
+          resultBounds.minx =  resultBounds.miny;
+          resultBounds.miny = tmp;
+          tmp = resultBounds.maxx;
+          resultBounds.maxx =  resultBounds.maxy;
+          resultBounds.maxy = tmp;
+      }
+      gmlWriteBounds(stream, outputformat, &resultBounds, msOWSGetEPSGProj(&(map->projection), &(map->web.metadata), "FGO", MS_TRUE), "      ");
+  }
   /* step through the layers looking for query results */
   for(i=0; i<map->numlayers; i++) {
@@ -1455,7 +1518,10 @@
             msIO_fprintf(stream, "      <%s gml:id=\"%s.%s\">\n", layerName, lp->name, shape.values[featureIdIndex]);
         } else
           msIO_fprintf(stream, "      <%s>\n", layerName);
+        if (bSwapAxis)
+          msAxisSwapShape(&shape);
         /* write the feature geometry and bounding box */
         if(!(geometryList && geometryList->numgeometries == 1 && strcasecmp(geometryList->geometries[0].name, "none") == 0)) {
 #ifdef USE_PROJ

Modified: trunk/mapserver/mapwfs.c
--- trunk/mapserver/mapwfs.c	2009-09-24 01:56:24 UTC (rev 9341)
+++ trunk/mapserver/mapwfs.c	2009-09-24 17:17:40 UTC (rev 9342)
@@ -1168,33 +1168,6 @@
-  /*
-      srs is defined for wfs 1.1. If it is available. If it used to set 
-      the map projection. For EPSG codes between 4000 and 5000 
-      that coordinates order follow what is defined  in the ESPG database
-      see #2899
-  */
-  if (strncmp(paramsObj->pszVersion,"1.1",3) == 0 && paramsObj->pszSrs && pszOutputSRS)
-  {     
-      /*check if the srs passed is valid. Assuming that it is an EPSG:xxx format.
-       TODO: do we accept urn type projection strings*/
-      if (strncasecmp(paramsObj->pszSrs, "EPSG:", 5) == 0)
-      {
-          if (strcasecmp(paramsObj->pszSrs, pszOutputSRS) != 0)
-          {
-              msSetError(MS_WFSERR, 
-		       "Invalid GetFeature Request: SRSNAME value should be valid for all the TYPENAMES. Please check the capabilities and reformulate your request.",
-                         "msWFSGetFeature()");
-              return msWFSException(map, "typename", "InvalidParameterValue", paramsObj->pszVersion);
-          }
-          /*we load the projection sting in the map and possibly 
-            set the axis order*/
-          msFreeProjection(&map->projection);
-          msLoadProjectionStringEPSG(&(map->projection), paramsObj->pszSrs);
-      }
-  }
   /* Validate outputformat */
   if (paramsObj->pszOutputFormat) {
     /* We support only GML2 and GML3 for now. */
@@ -1503,15 +1476,67 @@
       msFreeCharArray(layers, numlayers);
+    /*
+      srs is defined for wfs 1.1. If it is available. If it used to set 
+      the map projection. For EPSG codes between 4000 and 5000 
+      that coordinates order follow what is defined  in the ESPG database
+      see #2899
+  */
+    if (strncmp(paramsObj->pszVersion,"1.1",3) == 0 && paramsObj->pszSrs && pszOutputSRS)
+    {     
+          /*check if the srs passed is valid. Assuming that it is an EPSG:xxx format,
+            Or urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:xxx format. */
+        if (strncasecmp(paramsObj->pszSrs, "EPSG:", 5) == 0)
+        {
+            if (strcasecmp(paramsObj->pszSrs, pszOutputSRS) != 0)
+            {
+                msSetError(MS_WFSERR, 
+                           "Invalid GetFeature Request: SRSNAME value should be valid for all the TYPENAMES. Please check the capabilities and reformulate your request.",
+                           "msWFSGetFeature()");
+                return msWFSException(map, "typename", "InvalidParameterValue", paramsObj->pszVersion);
+            }
+                /*we load the projection sting in the map and possibly 
+                  set the axis order*/
+            msFreeProjection(&map->projection);
+            msLoadProjectionStringEPSG(&(map->projection), paramsObj->pszSrs);
+        }
+        else if (strncasecmp(paramsObj->pszSrs, "urn:EPSG:geographicCRC:",23) == 0)
+        {
+            char epsg_string[100];
+            const char *code;
+            code = paramsObj->pszSrs + 23;
+            sprintf( epsg_string, "EPSG:%s", code );
+            if (strcasecmp(epsg_string, pszOutputSRS) != 0)
+            {
+                msSetError(MS_WFSERR, 
+                           "Invalid GetFeature Request: SRSNAME value should be valid for all the TYPENAMES. Please check the capabilities and reformulate your request.",
+                           "msWFSGetFeature()");
+                return msWFSException(map, "typename", "InvalidParameterValue", paramsObj->pszVersion);
+            }
+                /*we load the projection sting in the map and possibly 
+                  set the axis order*/
+            msFreeProjection(&map->projection);
+            msLoadProjectionStringEPSG(&(map->projection), epsg_string);
+        }
+    }
     /* Set map output projection to which output features should be reprojected */
-    if (pszOutputSRS && strncasecmp(pszOutputSRS, "EPSG:", 5) == 0) {
-      char szBuf[32];
-      sprintf(szBuf, "init=epsg:%.10s", pszOutputSRS+5);
-      if (msLoadProjectionString(&(map->projection), szBuf) != 0) {
-        msSetError(MS_WFSERR, "msLoadProjectionString() failed", "msWFSGetFeature()");
-	return msWFSException(map, "mapserv", "NoApplicableCode", paramsObj->pszVersion);
-      }
+    else if (pszOutputSRS && strncasecmp(pszOutputSRS, "EPSG:", 5) == 0) 
+    {
+        int nTmp =0;
+        msFreeProjection(&map->projection);
+        msInitProjection(&map->projection);
+        if (strncmp(paramsObj->pszVersion,"1.1",3) == 0)
+          nTmp = msLoadProjectionStringEPSG(&(map->projection), pszOutputSRS);
+        else
+          nTmp = msLoadProjectionString(&(map->projection), pszOutputSRS);
+        if (nTmp != 0) {
+            msSetError(MS_WFSERR, "msLoadProjectionString() failed", "msWFSGetFeature()");
+            return msWFSException(map, "mapserv", "NoApplicableCode", paramsObj->pszVersion);
+        }

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