[mapserver-commits] r10118 - trunk/mapserver

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Sun Apr 25 11:47:53 EDT 2010

Author: sdlime
Date: 2010-04-25 11:47:52 -0400 (Sun, 25 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 10118

Finished up writing wrapper functions for keyword, numbers, strings and extents. Moves most all printf's out of the object (e.g. writeJoin()) writing functions. Only used in writeJoin() for the moment.

Modified: trunk/mapserver/mapfile.c
--- trunk/mapserver/mapfile.c	2010-04-24 23:15:38 UTC (rev 10117)
+++ trunk/mapserver/mapfile.c	2010-04-25 15:47:52 UTC (rev 10118)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 /* static char *msOnOff[2]={"OFF", "ON"}; */
 static char *msTrueFalse[2]={"FALSE", "TRUE"};
 /* static char *msYesNo[2]={"NO", "YES"}; */
-static char *msJoinType[2]={"ONE-TO-ONE", "ONE-TO-MANY"};
+/* static char *msJoinType[2]={"ONE-TO-ONE", "ONE-TO-MANY"}; */
 static char *msAlignValue[3]={"LEFT","CENTER","RIGHT"};
@@ -436,23 +436,53 @@
 ** Helper functions for writing mapfiles.
-static void writeStartBlock(FILE *stream, char *tab, char *key) {
-  fprintf(stream, "%s%s\n", tab, key);
+static void writeBlockBegin(FILE *stream, const char *tab, const char *name) {
+  fprintf(stream, "%s%s\n", tab, name);
-static void writeEndBlock(FILE *stream, char *tab, char *key) {
+static void writeBlockEnd(FILE *stream, const char *tab, const char *name) {
   fprintf(stream, "%sEND\n", tab);
-static void writeNumber(FILE *stream, char *tab, char *key, double value) {
-  fprintf(stream, "%s%s %g\n", tab, key, value);
+static void writeKeyword(FILE *stream, const char *tab, const char *name, int defaultValue, int value, int size, ...) {
+  va_list argp;
+  int i, j=0;
+  const char *s;
+  if(value == defaultValue) return; /* don't output the default */
+  va_start(argp, size);
+  while (j<size) { /* check each value/keyword mapping in the list */
+    i = va_arg(argp, int);
+    s = va_arg(argp, const char *);
+    if(value == i) {
+      fprintf(stream, "%s%s %s\n", tab, name, s);
+      va_end(argp);
+      return;
+    }
+    j++;
+  }
+  va_end(argp);
+  fprintf(stream, "# value %d for %s does not map to a keyword\n", value, name);
-static void writeString(FILE *stream, char *tab, char *key, char *value) {
-  if(strchr(value, '\"') != NULL)
-    fprintf(stream, "%s%s '%s'\n", tab, key, value);
+static void writeExtent(FILE *stream, const char *tab, const char *name, rectObj extent) {
+  if(MS_VALID_EXTENT(extent))
+    fprintf(stream, "%s%s %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g\n", tab, name, extent.minx, extent.miny, extent.maxx, extent.maxy);
+static void writeNumber(FILE *stream, const char *tab, const char *name, double defaultNumber, double number) {
+  if(number == defaultNumber) return; /* don't output default */
+  fprintf(stream, "%s%s %g\n", tab, name, number);
+static void writeString(FILE *stream, char *tab, char *name, char *string) {
+  if(!string) return; /* don't output default (e.g empty string) */ 
+  if(strchr(string, '\"') != NULL)
+    fprintf(stream, "%s%s '%s'\n", tab, name, string);
-    fprintf(stream, "%s%s \"%s\"\n", tab, key, value);
+    fprintf(stream, "%s%s \"%s\"\n", tab, name, string);
 static void writeColor(colorObj *color, FILE *stream, char *name, char *tab) {
@@ -581,28 +611,16 @@
 static void writeJoin(joinObj *join, FILE *stream) 
-  fprintf(stream, "      JOIN\n");
-  if(join->footer) fprintf(stream, "        FOOTER \"%s\"\n", join->footer);
-  if(join->from) fprintf(stream, "        FROM \"%s\"\n", join->from);
-  if(join->header) fprintf(stream, "        HEADER \"%s\"\n", join->header);
-  if(join->name) fprintf(stream, "        NAME \"%s\"\n", join->name);
-  if(join->table) fprintf(stream, "        TABLE \"%s\"\n", join->table);
-  if(join->to) fprintf(stream, "        TO \"%s\"\n", join->to);
-  switch (join->connectiontype) {
-  case(MS_DB_CSV):
-    fprintf(stream, "        CONNECTIONTYPE CSV\n");
-    break;
-  case(MS_DB_POSTGRES):
-    fprintf(stream, "        CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGRES\n");
-    break;
-  case(MS_DB_MYSQL):
-    fprintf(stream, "        CONNECTIONTYPE MYSQL\n");
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  };
-  fprintf(stream, "        TYPE %s\n", msJoinType[join->type]);
-  fprintf(stream, "      END\n");
+  writeBlockBegin(stream, "      ", "JOIN");
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "FOOTER", join->footer);
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "FROM", join->from);
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "HEADER", join->header);
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "NAME", join->name);
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "TABLE", join->table);
+  writeString(stream, "        ", "TO", join->to);  
+  writeKeyword(stream, "        ", "CONNECTIONTYPE", MS_DB_XBASE, join->connectiontype, 3, MS_DB_CSV, "CSV", MS_DB_POSTGRES, "POSTRES", MS_DB_MYSQL, "MYSQL");
+  writeKeyword(stream, "        ", "TYPE", MS_JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE, join->type, 1, MS_JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY, "ONE-TO-MANY");
+  writeBlockEnd(stream, "      ", "JOIN");
 /* inserts a feature at the end of the list, can create a new list */

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