[mapserver-commits] r9683 - in trunk/docs/de: . include

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 12 14:34:24 EST 2010

Author: gislars
Date: 2010-01-12 14:34:22 -0500 (Tue, 12 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 9683

(doc-de) readded include directory

Added: trunk/docs/de/include/announcements.inc
--- trunk/docs/de/include/announcements.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/de/include/announcements.inc	2010-01-12 19:34:22 UTC (rev 9683)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+2009-10-01 - MapServer 5.6.0-beta2 is released
+MapServer 5.6.0-beta2 has been released.  See `the release announcement <http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/2009-October/062991.html>`__ 
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain a copy.
+Once again, we need your help to test this new beta. Please see the 
+annoncement linked above for more details on areas that need special attention.
+2009-09-24 - MapServer 5.6.0-beta1 is released
+The MapServer Team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta 
+for the 5.6.0 release. This is the first of three planned beta releases.
+We need your help to ensure a high quality product so please help out by 
+testing your applications with this new code base.
+See `the release announcement <http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/2009-September/062916.html>`__ 
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain a copy.
+2009-07-24 - MapServer 5.4.2 is released
+MapServer 5.4.2 has been released.  See the
+`Changelog <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/browser/tags/rel-5-4-2/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT>`__
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain a copy.
+2009-06-01 - MapServer 5.4.1 is released
+MapServer 5.4.1 has been released.  See the
+`Changelog <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/browser/tags/rel-5-4-1/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT>`__
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain a copy.
+2009-04-22 - MapServer 5.4 is released
+MapServer 5.4 has been released.  See the
+`Changelog <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/browser/tags/rel-5-4-0/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT>`__
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain a copy.
+2009-03-26 - MapServer 5.2.2 and 4.10.4 security fixes are released
+MapServer 5.2.2 and 4.10.4 have been released, containing important security fixes.  See the
+`Announcement <http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/2009-March/060600.html>`__
+for more details and head to :ref:`download` to obtain copies.
+2009-03-08 - MapServer PSC Attend Toronto Code Sprint
+Members of the MapServer Project Steering Committee attend the `Toronto Code Sprint <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Toronto_Code_Sprint_2009>`__
+event, an international meeting of GDAL, PostGIS, OpenLayers, and MapServer development teams.
+2008-12-30 - New MapServer website is now live
+The new, improved MapServer website is now live!  Welcome to the new
+MapServer website.  Some of the major improvements include:
+* An updated :ref:`gloss`
+* A significantly improved :ref:`introduction`
+* All documentation is now available in a single, 600+ page `PDF
+  <./MapServer.pdf>`__
+* More internal document referencing, better styling, and mapfile styling,
+* Simpler organizational structure
+2008-12-16 - MapServer Graduates OSGeo Incubation
+MapServer recently graduated OSGeo's Incubation process.  Incubation
+includes ensuring items like code provenance and community contribution.
+See the `announcement`_ for more details.
+.. _`announcement`: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-announce/2008-December/000015.html

Added: trunk/docs/de/include/docnav.inc
--- trunk/docs/de/include/docnav.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/de/include/docnav.inc	2010-01-12 19:34:22 UTC (rev 9683)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+..   csv-table:: Quick Links
+    :ref:`introduction`,:ref:`installation`,:ref:`mapfile`
+    :ref:`mapscript`,:ref:`input`,:ref:`output`
+    :ref:`ogc`,:ref:`optimization`,:ref:`utilities`
+    :ref:`development`,:ref:`gloss`, :ref:`errors`
+    :ref:`genindex`,:ref:`about`, :ref:`community`

Added: trunk/docs/de/include/labels.inc
--- trunk/docs/de/include/labels.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/de/include/labels.inc	2010-01-12 19:34:22 UTC (rev 9683)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+.. table:: \:ref\: reference labels
+	============================   =============================================================================================
+	Label                          Title
+	============================   =============================================================================================
+	about                          :ref:`Übersicht <about>`
+	agg                            :ref:`AGG Rendering Specifics <agg>`
+	antialias                      :ref:`AntiAliasing with MapServer <antialias>`
+	arcinfo                        :ref:`ArcInfo <arcinfo>`
+	arcsde                         :ref:`ArcSDE <arcsde>`
+	autotest                       :ref:`Regression Testing <autotest>`
+	background                     :ref:`Tutorial Timeframe <background>`
+	batch_utilities                :ref:`Stapelverarbeitung <batch_utilities>`
+	bugs                           :ref:`Bug Submission <bugs>`
+	cgi                            :ref:`CGI <cgi>`
+	cgi_controls                   :ref:`MapServer CGI Controls <cgi_controls>`
+	cgi_introduction               :ref:`MapServer CGI Introduction <cgi_introduction>`
+	class                          :ref:`CLASS <class>`
+	community                      :ref:`Community Activities <community>`
+	development                    :ref:`Development <development>`
+	dgn                            :ref:`DGN <dgn>`
+	documentation                  :ref:`MapServer 5.4.0 Dokumentation <documentation>`
+	documentation_development      :ref:`Documentation Development Guide <documentation_development>`
+	dotnet_compile                 :ref:`.NET MapScript Compilation <dotnet_compile>`
+	download                       :ref:`Download <download>`
+	dynamic_charting               :ref:`Dynamic Charting <dynamic_charting>`
+	editing                        :ref:`Mapfile Editing <editing>`
+	errors                         :ref:`Errors <errors>`
+	example1-1                     :ref:`Example 1.1 <example1-1>`
+	example1-1-map                 :ref:`Example1-1.map <example1-1-map>`
+	example1-2                     :ref:`Example 1.2 <example1-2>`
+	example1-2-map                 :ref:`Example1-2.map <example1-2-map>`
+	example1-3                     :ref:`Example 1.3 <example1-3>`
+	example1-3-map                 :ref:`Example1-3.map <example1-3-map>`
+	example1-4                     :ref:`Example 1.4 <example1-4>`
+	example1-4-map                 :ref:`Example1-4.map <example1-4-map>`
+	example1-5                     :ref:`Example 1.5 <example1-5>`
+	example1-5-map                 :ref:`Example1-5.map <example1-5-map>`
+	example1-6                     :ref:`Example 1.6 <example1-6>`
+	example1-6-map                 :ref:`Example1-6.map <example1-6-map>`
+	example1-7                     :ref:`Example 1.7 <example1-7>`
+	example1-7-map                 :ref:`Example1-7.map <example1-7-map>`
+	example1-8                     :ref:`Example 1.8 <example1-8>`
+	example1-8-map                 :ref:`Example1-8.map <example1-8-map>`
+	example1-9                     :ref:`Example 1.9 <example1-9>`
+	expressions                    :ref:`Expressions <expressions>`
+	faq                            :ref:`FAQ <faq>`
+	fastcgi                        :ref:`FastCGI <fastcgi>`
+	feature                        :ref:`FEATURE <feature>`
+	filter_encoding                :ref:`WFS Filter Encoding <filter_encoding>`
+	flash                          :ref:`Flash Output <flash>`
+	fontset                        :ref:`FONTSET <fontset>`
+	format_types                   :ref:`Data Format Types <format_types>`
+	genindex                       :ref:`genindex`
+	gloss                          :ref:`Glossary <gloss>`
+	gml                            :ref:`GML <gml>`
+	gpx                            :ref:`GPS Exchange Format (GPX) <gpx>`
+	grid                           :ref:`GRID <grid>`
+	html_legend                    :ref:`HTML Legends with MapServer <html_legend>`
+	iis                            :ref:`IIS Setup for MapServer <iis>`
+	imagemaps                      :ref:`HTML Imagemaps <imagemaps>`
+	include                        :ref:`INCLUDE <include>`
+	inline                         :ref:`Inline <inline>`
+	input                          :ref:`Data Input <input>`
+	input_postgis                  :ref:`PostGIS/PostgreSQL <input_postgis>`
+	installation                   :ref:`Installation <installation>`
+	introduction                   :ref:`Einführung zum MapServer <introduction>`
+	irc                            :ref:`IRC <irc>`
+	join                           :ref:`JOIN <join>`
+	kml                            :ref:`KML - Keyhole Markup Language <kml>`
+	label                          :ref:`LABEL <label>`
+	layer                          :ref:`LAYER <layer>`
+	legend                         :ref:`LEGEND <legend>`
+	legend_utility                 :ref:`legend <legend_utility>`
+	license                        :ref:`License <license>`
+	linux                          :ref:`Linux <linux>`
+	lists                          :ref:`Mailing Lists <lists>`
+	management                     :ref:`Datei Management <management>`
+	map                            :ref:`MAP <map>`
+	map_context                    :ref:`Map Context <map_context>`
+	mapcontext_cgi                 :ref:`Map Context Files <mapcontext_cgi>`
+	mapfile                        :ref:`Mapfile <mapfile>`
+	mapfile_tuning                 :ref:`Mapfile <mapfile_tuning>`
+	mapinfo                        :ref:`MapInfo <mapinfo>`
+	mapscript                      :ref:`MapScript <mapscript>`
+	mapscript_introduction         :ref:`Introduction <mapscript_introduction>`
+	mapscript_ows                  :ref:`MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services <mapscript_ows>`
+	mapscript_tests                :ref:`MapScript Unit Testing <mapscript_tests>`
+	mapserv                        :ref:`mapserv <mapserv>`
+	modindex                       :ref:`modindex`
+	msencrypt                      :ref:`msencrypt <msencrypt>`
+	mysql                          :ref:`MySQL <mysql>`
+	ntf                            :ref:`NTF <ntf>`
+	oci                            :ref:`Oracle Spatial <oci>`
+	oci_install                    :ref:`Oracle Installation <oci_install>`
+	ogc                            :ref:`OGC Support and Configuration <ogc>`
+	ogr                            :ref:`OGR <ogr>`
+	online_resource_wms            :ref:`More About the Online Resource URL <online_resource_wms>`
+	optimization                   :ref:`Optimierung <optimization>`
+	osx                            :ref:`Mac OS X <osx>`
+	output                         :ref:`Output Generation <output>`
+	outputformat                   :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT <outputformat>`
+	pdf                            :ref:`PDF Output <pdf>`
+	pgeo                           :ref:`ESRI Personal Geodatabase (MDB) <pgeo>`
+	php                            :ref:`PHP MapScript <php>`
+	php_example                    :ref:`By Example <php_example>`
+	php_install                    :ref:`PHP MapScript Installation <php_install>`
+	php_install_example_steps      :ref:`Example Steps of a Full Windows Installation <php_install_example_steps>`
+	projection                     :ref:`PROJECTION <projection>`
+	python                         :ref:`Python MapScript Appendix <python>`
+	querying                       :ref:`Querying <querying>`
+	querymap                       :ref:`QUERYMAP <querymap>`
+	raster                         :ref:`Raster Data <raster>`
+	raster_optimization            :ref:`Raster <raster_optimization>`
+	reference                      :ref:`REFERENCE <reference>`
+	rfc1                           :ref:`MS RFC 1: Technical Steering Committee Guidelines <rfc1>`
+	rfc10                          :ref:`MS RFC 10: Joining the Open Source Geospatial Foundation <rfc10>`
+	rfc11                          :ref:`MS RFC 11: Support for Curved Labels <rfc11>`
+	rfc12                          :ref:`MS RFC 12: C code Unit tests <rfc12>`
+	rfc13                          :ref:`MS RFC 13: Support of Sensor Observation Service in MapServer <rfc13>`
+	rfc14                          :ref:`MS RFC 14: Relative Coordinates for INLINE features <rfc14>`
+	rfc15                          :ref:`MS RFC 15: Support for thread neutral operation of MapServer/MapScript <rfc15>`
+	rfc16                          :ref:`MS RFC 16: MapScript WxS Services <rfc16>`
+	rfc17                          :ref:`MS RFC 17: Dynamic Allocation of layers, styles, classes and symbols <rfc17>`
+	rfc18                          :ref:`MS RFC 18: Encryption of passwords in mapfiles <rfc18>`
+	rfc19                          :ref:`MS RFC 19: Style & Label attribute binding <rfc19>`
+	rfc2                           :ref:`MS RFC 2: Creating line features and/or shapes using WKT <rfc2>`
+	rfc21                          :ref:`MS RFC 21: MapServer Raster Color Correction <rfc21>`
+	rfc22a                         :ref:`MS RFC 22a: Feature cache for long running processes and query processing <rfc22a>`
+	rfc23                          :ref:`MS RFC 23: Technical Steering Committee Guidelines <rfc23>`
+	rfc24                          :ref:`MS RFC 24: Mapscript memory management <rfc24>`
+	rfc24first                     :ref:`MS RFC 24: Mapscript memory management <rfc24first>`
+	rfc25                          :ref:`MS RFC 25: Align MapServer pixel and extent models with OGC models <rfc25>`
+	rfc26                          :ref:`MS RFC 26: Version 5 Terminology Cleanup <rfc26>`
+	rfc27                          :ref:`MS RFC 27: Label Priority <rfc27>`
+	rfc28                          :ref:`MS RFC 28: Redesign of LOG/DEBUG output mechanisms <rfc28>`
+	rfc29                          :ref:`MS RFC 29: Dynamic Charting Capability <rfc29>`
+	rfc3                           :ref:`MS RFC 3: Feature Layer Plug-in Architecture <rfc3>`
+	rfc30                          :ref:`MS RFC 30: Support for WMS 1.3.0 <rfc30>`
+	rfc31                          :ref:`MS RFC 31: Loading MapServer Objects from Strings <rfc31>`
+	rfc32                          :ref:`MS RFC 32: Support for Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) Rendering Engine <rfc32>`
+	rfc33                          :ref:`MS RFC 33: Removing msLayerWhichItems() from maplayer.c <rfc33>`
+	rfc39                          :ref:`MS RFC 39: Support of WMS/SLD Named Styles <rfc39>`
+	rfc4                           :ref:`MS RFC 4: MapServer Raster Resampling <rfc4>`
+	rfc40                          :ref:`MS RFC 40: Support Label Text Transformations <rfc40>`
+	rfc41                          :ref:`MS RFC 41: Support of WCS 1.1.x Protocol <rfc41>`
+	rfc42                          :ref:`MS RFC 42: Support of Cookies Forwarding <rfc42>`
+	rfc43                          :ref:`MS RFC 43: Direct tile generation for Google Maps and Virtual Earth API <rfc43>`
+	rfc44                          :ref:`MS RFC 44: Restore URL modification of mapfiles to pre-5.0 levels <rfc44>`
+	rfc45                          :ref:`MS RFC 45: Symbology, Labeling, and Cartography Improvements <rfc45>`
+	rfc46                          :ref:`MS RFC 46: Migrate Website to OSGeo <rfc46>`
+	rfc47                          :ref:`MS RFC 47: Move IGNORE_MISSING_DATA to run-time configuration <rfc47>`
+	rfc48                          :ref:`MS RFC 48: GEOTRANSFORM Geometry operations <rfc48>`
+	rfc49                          :ref:`MS RFC 49: Symbology, Labeling, and Cartography Improvements <rfc49>`
+	rfc5                           :ref:`MS RFC 5: MapServer Horizon Reprojection Improvements <rfc5>`
+	rfc50                          :ref:`MS RFC 50: OpenGL Rendering Support <rfc50>`
+	rfc51                          :ref:`MS RFC 51: XML Mapfile Format <rfc51>`
+	rfc53                          :ref:`MS RFC 53: Guidelines for MapScript method return values <rfc53>`
+	rfc55                          :ref:`MS RFC 55: Improve control of output resolution <rfc55>`
+	rfc6                           :ref:`MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values <rfc6>`
+	rfc7                           :ref:`MS RFC 7: MapServer CVS Commit Management <rfc7>`
+	rfc7.1                         :ref:`MS RFC 7.1: MapServer SVN Commit Management <rfc7.1>`
+	rfc8                           :ref:`MS RFC 8: Pluggable External Feature Layer Providers <rfc8>`
+	rfc9                           :ref:`MS RFC 9: Item tag for query templates <rfc9>`
+	rfcs                           :ref:`Request for Comments <rfcs>`
+	runsub                         :ref:`Run-time Substitution <runsub>`
+	s57                            :ref:`S57 <s57>`
+	scalebar                       :ref:`SCALE <scalebar>`
+	scalebar_utility               :ref:`scalebar <scalebar_utility>`
+	sdts                           :ref:`SDTS <sdts>`
+	search                         :ref:`search`
+	section1                       :ref:`Section 1: Static Maps and the MapFile <section1>`
+	section2                       :ref:`Section 2: CGI variables and the User Interface <section2>`
+	shapefiles                     :ref:`ESRI Shapefiles (SHP) <shapefiles>`
+	shp2img                        :ref:`shp2img <shp2img>`
+	shptree                        :ref:`shptree <shptree>`
+	shptreevis                     :ref:`shptreevis <shptreevis>`
+	sld                            :ref:`SLD <sld>`
+	sortshp                        :ref:`sortshp <sortshp>`
+	sos_server                     :ref:`SOS Server <sos_server>`
+	source                         :ref:`Source <source>`
+	sponsors                       :ref:`Sponsors <sponsors>`
+	style                          :ref:`STYLE <style>`
+	styleitemauto-label-styles     :ref:`Accessing OGR STYLEITEMAUTO Label Styles Through MapScript <styleitemauto-label-styles>`
+	svg                            :ref:`SVG <svg>`
+	svn                            :ref:`Subversion <svn>`
+	swig                           :ref:`SWIG MapScript API Reference <swig>`
+	sym2img                        :ref:`sym2img <sym2img>`
+	sym_construction               :ref:`Konstruktion von kartographischen Signaturen <sym_construction>`
+	sym_examples                   :ref:`Symbology Examples <sym_examples>`
+	symbol                         :ref:`SYMBOL <symbol>`
+	template                       :ref:`Templating <template>`
+	testing                        :ref:`Testing <testing>`
+	tiger                          :ref:`USGS TIGER <tiger>`
+	tile4ms                        :ref:`tile4ms <tile4ms>`
+	tile_mode                      :ref:`Tile Mode <tile_mode>`
+	tileindex                      :ref:`Tile Indexes <tileindex>`
+	tutorial                       :ref:`MapServer Tutorial <tutorial>`
+	unix                           :ref:`Compiling on Unix <unix>`
+	utilities                      :ref:`Werkzeuge <utilities>`
+	variable_sub                   :ref:`Variable Substitution <variable_sub>`
+	vector                         :ref:`Vector Data <vector>`
+	vector_optimization            :ref:`Vector <vector_optimization>`
+	vim                            :ref:`VIM Syntax <vim>`
+	virtual_vector                 :ref:`Virtual Spatial Data <virtual_vector>`
+	wcs_format                     :ref:`WCS Use Cases <wcs_format>`
+	wcs_server                     :ref:`WCS Server <wcs_server>`
+	web                            :ref:`WEB <web>`
+	wfs                            :ref:`WFS <wfs>`
+	wfs_client                     :ref:`WFS Client <wfs_client>`
+	wfs_server                     :ref:`WFS Server <wfs_server>`
+	win32                          :ref:`Compiling on Win32 <win32>`
+	windows                        :ref:`Windows <windows>`
+	wms_capabilities               :ref:`Validate the Capabilities Metadata <wms_capabilities>`
+	wms_client                     :ref:`WMS Client <wms_client>`
+	wms_server                     :ref:`WMS Server <wms_server>`
+	wms_time                       :ref:`WMS Time <wms_time>`
+	wrapper                        :ref:`A Simple CGI Wrapper Script <wrapper>`
+	============================   =============================================================================================

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