[mapserver-commits] r11576 - in trunk/docs/en: images mapfile

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 14 10:45:02 EDT 2011

Author: jmckenna
Date: 2011-04-14 07:45:02 -0700 (Thu, 14 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 11576

enhance cluster doc

Added: trunk/docs/en/images/cluster.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/docs/en/images/cluster.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: trunk/docs/en/mapfile/cluster.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/mapfile/cluster.txt	2011-04-14 14:18:31 UTC (rev 11575)
+++ trunk/docs/en/mapfile/cluster.txt	2011-04-14 14:45:02 UTC (rev 11576)
@@ -4,29 +4,23 @@
-The CLUSTER configuration option provides to combine multiple features from 
-the layer into single (aggregated) features based on their relative positions.
-Supported only for POINT layers.
+.. index:: Cluster
-The clustered layer itself provides the following aggregated attributes: 
-1) Cluster:FeatureCount - count of the features in the clustered shape 
-2) Cluster:Group - The group value of the cluster (to which the group expression is evaluated)
+Since version 6.0, MapServer has the ability to combine multiple features from a
+point layer into single (aggregated) features based on their relative positions. 
+Only *POINT* layers are supported.  This feature was added through :ref:`rfc69`.
-These attributes (in addition to the attributes provided by the original data source) can be used to configure 
-the labels of the features and can also be used in expressions. 
-The ITEMS processing option can be used to specify a subset of the attributes from the original 
-layer in the query operations according to the user's preference.
+Supported Layer Types
-We can use simple aggregate functions (Min, Max, Sum, Count) to specify how the clustered attribute should be
-calculated from the original attributes. The aggregate function should be specified as a prefix separated by ':' in
-the attibute definition, like: [Max:itemname]. If we don't specify aggregate functions for the source
-layer attributes, then the actual value of the cluster attribute will be non-deterministic if the cluster contains
-multiple shapes with different values. The Count aggregate function in fact provides the same value as Cluster:FeatureCount.
-.. seealso::       
-    :ref:`rfc69`
+Mapfile Parameters
     Specifies the distance of the search region (rectangle or ellipse) in pixel positions.
@@ -46,3 +40,153 @@
     This expression is evaluated after the the feature negotiation is completed, therefore
     the 'Cluster:FeatureCount' parameter can also be used, which provides the option
     to filter the shapes having too many or to few neighbors within the search region.
+Mapfile Snippet
+.. code-block:: mapfile
+    NAME "my-cluster"
+    ...
+       MAXDISTANCE 20  # in pixels
+       REGION ellipse  # can be rectangle or ellipse
+       GROUP (expression)  # we can define an expression to create separate groups for each value
+       FILTER (expression) # we can define a logical expression to specify the grouping condition
+    END
+    LABELITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount"    
+    CLASS
+      ...
+      LABEL
+       ...
+      END
+    END
+    ...
+  END
+Feature attributes
+The clustered layer itself provides the following aggregated attributes: 
+1. Cluster:FeatureCount - count of the features in the clustered shape 
+2. Cluster:Group - The group value of the cluster (to which the group expression is evaluated)
+These attributes (in addition to the attributes provided by the original data source) can be used to configure 
+the labels of the features and can also be used in expressions. 
+The ITEMS processing option can be used to specify a subset of the attributes from the original 
+layer in the query operations according to the user's preference.
+We can use simple aggregate functions (Min, Max, Sum, Count) to specify how the clustered attribute should be
+calculated from the original attributes. The aggregate function should be specified as a prefix separated by ':' in
+the attibute definition, like: [Max:itemname]. If we don't specify aggregate functions for the source
+layer attributes, then the actual value of the cluster attribute will be non-deterministic if the cluster contains
+multiple shapes with different values. The Count aggregate function in fact provides the same value as Cluster:FeatureCount.
+Example: Clustering Railway Stations
+The following example uses a point datasource, in this case in KML format, to display clusters of railway
+stations.  Two classes are used: one to style and label the cluster, and one to style and label the single
+railway station.
+.. note::
+    Since we can't declare 2 labelitems, for the single railway class we use the *TEXT* parameter to label
+    the station.
+Mapfile Layer
+.. code-block:: mapfile
+  ####################
+  # Lightrail Stations
+  ####################
+    NAME "lightrail"
+    IMAGE "../etc/lightrail.png"
+  END
+      NAME "lightrail"
+      GROUP "default"     
+      TYPE POINT  
+      CONNECTION "lightrail-stations.kml"
+      DATA "lightrail-stations"    
+      LABELITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount" 
+      CLASSITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount" 
+      ###########################
+      # Define the cluster object
+      ###########################         
+      CLUSTER
+        MAXDISTANCE 50
+        REGION "ellipse"
+      END       
+      ################################
+      # Class1: For the cluster symbol
+      ################################     
+      CLASS
+        NAME "Clustered Lightrail Stations"
+        EXPRESSION ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" != "1")	      
+        STYLE
+          SIZE 30
+          SYMBOL "citycircle"
+          COLOR 255 0 0
+        END
+        LABEL
+          FONT scb
+          TYPE TRUETYPE
+          SIZE 8
+          COLOR 255 255 255
+          ALIGN CENTER
+          PRIORITY 10
+          BUFFER 1
+          PARTIALS TRUE
+          POSITION cc
+        END      
+      END
+      ################################
+      # Class2: For the single station
+      ################################         
+      CLASS
+        NAME "Lightrail Stations"
+        EXPRESSION "1"	      
+        STYLE
+          SIZE 30
+          SYMBOL "lightrail"
+        END
+        TEXT "[Name]"
+        LABEL
+          FONT scb
+          TYPE TRUETYPE
+          SIZE 8
+          COLOR 0 0 0
+          OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
+          ALIGN CENTER
+          PRIORITY 9
+          BUFFER 1
+          POSITION ur
+        END      
+      END 
+      # the following is used for a query
+      TOLERANCE 50
+      HEADER "../htdocs/templates/cluster_header.html"
+      FOOTER "../htdocs/templates/cluster_footer.html"  
+      TEMPLATE "../htdocs/templates/cluster_query.html"    
+  END
+Map Image
+.. image:: ../images/cluster.png

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