[mapserver-commits] r11617 - trunk/docs/en/development/rfc
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Wed Apr 27 09:20:18 EDT 2011
Author: sdlime
Date: 2011-04-27 06:20:18 -0700 (Wed, 27 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 11617
Olivier's initial RFC 70 version (adding TinyOWS) with only a couple of minor spelling tweaks.
Added: trunk/docs/en/development/rfc/ms-rfc-70.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/development/rfc/ms-rfc-70.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/en/development/rfc/ms-rfc-70.txt 2011-04-27 13:20:18 UTC (rev 11617)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+.. _rfc70:
+MS RFC 70: Integration of TinyOWS in MapServer project
+:Date: 2011/04/14
+:Author: Olivier Courtin
+:Contact: olivier dot courtin at oslandia.com
+:Last Edited: $Date$
+:Status: Draft
+:Version: MapServer 6.2
+:Id: $Id$
+Description: This RFC proposes a TinyOWS integration under MapServer Umbrella.
+1. Overview
+TinyOWS is often used tiedly with MapServer to provide WFS-T functionnalities.
+The idea here is to bring to end user a more integrated solution
+through a single MapFile configuration file for both apps.
+And also to put TinyOWS under MapServer project umbrella, to increase again
+its usage.
+2. The proposed solution
+2.1 Keeping the cycle release independant
+MapServer and TinyOWS cycles releases are kept independant.
+2.2 SVN
+On SVN, TinyOWS location should be:
+ svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/trunk/tinyows
+ svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/branches/tinyows-1.0
+ svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/tags/tinyows-1.0.0
+2.3 A common MapFile as config file
+Aim is to be able to have for end user a single config file, so a text MapFile.
+TinyOWS trunk already able to deal with MapFile to retrieve all it's config
+stuff, through a dedicaded MapFile lexer.
+The idea, in a quite near future, is to bring an LibMapFile API
+and so to allow others apps to use MapFile as a single config file way.
+It will simplify the maintenace of such a parser, and avoid possibility to have
+distincts behaviours.
+This LibMapFile API, is out of the scope of this RFC.
+2.4 Perspective: Packaged build system
+We could imagine from this RFC (and also with related mod_geocache integration),
+to provide an meta package with a single configure/make/make install, managing
+the build of MapServer, TinyOWS and mod_geocache at once.
+These meta package build system is also out ot the scope of this RFC.
+3. Solution Details
+3.1 Documentation
+Move TinyOWS trac Wiki documentation to RST syntax.
+Also need to enhance documentation to provide more examples
+and a comprehensive user manual, or at least something like and FAQ.
+Native English writers, and guys who are not (yet) familiar with the project
+are really appreciated on helping on this.
+3.2 Licence
+TinyOWS already use MIT licence, as MapServer does.
+Copyright holders (Barbara Philippot and Olivier Courtin) should be kept
+on existing TinyOWS files.
+3.3 Tickets
+TinyOWS use a Trac, but as only few tickets are still open,
+an efficient way is just to create them back in MapServer one.
+Should imply a new component in MapServer Trac, called: TinyOWS.
+3.4 Developpers & PSC
+Olivier Courtin should entered in MapServer PSC and have commit access to
+MapServer trunk, and will keep (at least for a while) the lead in the TinyOWS
+development stuff.
+Others TinyOWS devs are already involved in MapServer project (Assefa, Alan).
+One aim is also to have more MapServer devs ready to look at the code,
+and committing patches.
+3.5 SVN Import
+TinyOWS trunk and 1.0 (coming) branch should be imported in MapServer SVN.
+Dunno on this point if we have a way to keep history of previous commits ?
+Anyone ?
+3.6 Code Convention
+We have to call astyle on the whole code, to make it MapServer compliant:
+astyle --style=kr --unpad=paren --indent=spaces=2
+3.7 Redirections
+tinyows.org domain could be redirected to the coming MapServer TinyOWS
+documentation pages.
+Mailings lists: tinyows-dev and tinyows-users should be stopped and news
+discussions should occurs to relevant mapserver ones.
+4. TinyOWS Code Review
+4.1 Code Origin
+All C code was written from scratch by TinyOWS devs, so should not be a
+real problem.
+On the other hand, we have to clarify XSD Schema from W3C, and OGC,
+and also OGC CITE Unit tests licence policy (i.e are they really public ?)
+4.2 Code Quality
+All code compile without any warning on commons Unix like platforms,
+with flags: -ansi -pedantic -Wall
+All OGC CITE Units tests are valgrinded, (no error, no memory leak),
+but it's doesn't cover all the code branchs.
+Some units tests like Cunit could be helpfull in a future.
+4.3 Security Audit
+No external security audit never been perform on the code.
+The main inherent risk is SQL Injection.
+Somes checks already have been done with automated tools like sqlmap,
+but will need to be improved to adjust to some WFS-T and FE
+peculiar uses cases.
+(No security hole 've been found on TinyOWS trunk with sqlmap)
+4.4 OGC WFS-T compliancy
+Implementation of WFS 1.0.0, WFS 1.1.0, FE 1.0.0 and FE 1.1.0.
+Basic and Transactional profile, SF-0.
+(No Xlink nor Lock profile implemented)
+TinyOWS trunk on OGC CITE unit test:
+ - WFS-T 1.1.0 (r4) : 519 'Passed' / 34 'Failed'
+4.5 External Dependancies
+ - LibXML2 >= 2.6.20
+ - PostgreSQL >= 8.1.0
+ - PostGIS >= 1.5.0
+ - Flex
+ - FastCGI is optional (but recommended)
+4.6 MapFile notions not yet addressed
+Some Mapfile concepts are not yet present in TinyOWS:
+ - Supporting other database than PostGIS
+ - Ability to associate each layer to a different database connection
+ - Some specifics configuration stuff not required by OGC compliancy,
+ but who still could be useful.
+4.7 Build system
+TinyOWS use like MapServer autoconf and Makefile to build stuff.
+4.8 Roadmap and vision
+General aim is to keep the application the faster alternative available for WFS-T,
+as compliant as possible to next OGC and INSPIRE standards, and of course robust.
+Mains future works area are (they will imply futures RFC, just here to notice them):
+- WFS 2.0 and INSPIRE compliancy
+- Apache Module support
+- More exhaustive unit tests policy (not only OGC ones)
+- More consistent behaviour and configuration directives for both TinyOWS and MS.
+- Oracle Spatial support
+5. Voting history
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