[mapserver-commits] r11717 - trunk/mapserver

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Mon May 16 11:13:11 EDT 2011

Author: assefa
Date: 2011-05-16 08:13:11 -0700 (Mon, 16 May 2011)
New Revision: 11717

SLD: correct when same layer is used with multiple styles (#1602)

Modified: trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT
--- trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT	2011-05-16 15:12:35 UTC (rev 11716)
+++ trunk/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT	2011-05-16 15:13:11 UTC (rev 11717)
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 Current Version (SVN trunk, 6.1-dev, future 6.2): 
+- SLD: correct when same layer is used with multiple styles (#1602)
 - Fixed the build problem in mapunion.c (#3877)
 - Implement to get all shapes with the clustered layer (#3873)

Modified: trunk/mapserver/mapogcsld.c
--- trunk/mapserver/mapogcsld.c	2011-05-16 15:12:35 UTC (rev 11716)
+++ trunk/mapserver/mapogcsld.c	2011-05-16 15:13:11 UTC (rev 11717)
@@ -158,7 +158,49 @@
     int bFailedExpression=0;
     pasLayers = msSLDParseSLD(map, psSLDXML, &nLayers);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      If the same layer is given more that once, we need to           */
+/*      duplicate it.                                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if (pasLayers && nLayers>0)
+    {
+        int l,m;
+        for (m=0; m<nLayers;m++)
+        {
+            layerObj *psTmpLayer=NULL;
+            int nIndex;
+            char tmpId[128];
+            for (l=0;l<nLayers;l++)
+            {
+                if(pasLayers[m].name == NULL || pasLayers[l].name == NULL)
+                  continue;
+                nIndex = msGetLayerIndex(map, pasLayers[m].name);
+                if (m !=l && strcasecmp(pasLayers[m].name, pasLayers[l].name)== 0 &&
+                    nIndex != -1)
+                {
+                    psTmpLayer = (layerObj *) malloc(sizeof(layerObj));
+                    initLayer(psTmpLayer, map);
+                    msCopyLayer(psTmpLayer, GET_LAYER(map,nIndex));
+                    /* open the source layer */
+                    if ( !psTmpLayer->vtable) 
+                      msInitializeVirtualTable(psTmpLayer);
+                    /*make the name unique*/
+                    snprintf(tmpId, sizeof(tmpId), "%lx_%x_%d",(long)time(NULL),(int)getpid(),
+                             map->numlayers);
+                    if (psTmpLayer->name)
+                      msFree(psTmpLayer->name);
+                    psTmpLayer->name = strdup(tmpId);
+                    msFree(pasLayers[l].name);
+                    pasLayers[l].name = strdup(tmpId);
+                    msInsertLayer(map, psTmpLayer, -1);   
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     if (pasLayers && nLayers > 0)
         for (i=0; i<map->numlayers; i++)
@@ -174,7 +216,6 @@
             for (j=0; j<nLayers; j++)
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /*      copy :  - class                                                 */
 /*              - layer's labelitem                                     */

Modified: trunk/mapserver/mapwms.c
--- trunk/mapserver/mapwms.c	2011-05-16 15:12:35 UTC (rev 11716)
+++ trunk/mapserver/mapwms.c	2011-05-16 15:13:11 UTC (rev 11717)
@@ -1076,21 +1076,37 @@
         map->units = iUnits;
+  if (sld_url || sld_body)
+  {
+       int nLayersBefore, nLayerAfter;
+       char request_tmp[32];
+       nLayersBefore = map->numlayers;
   /*apply sld if defined. This is done here so that bbox and srs are already applied*/
-  if (sld_url)
-  {
-      if ((status = msSLDApplySLDURL(map, sld_url, -1, NULL)) != MS_SUCCESS)
-        return msWMSException(map, nVersion, NULL, wms_exception_format);
+       if (sld_url)
+       {
+           if ((status = msSLDApplySLDURL(map, sld_url, -1, NULL)) != MS_SUCCESS)
+             return msWMSException(map, nVersion, NULL, wms_exception_format);
+       }
+       else if (sld_body)
+       {
+           if ((status =msSLDApplySLD(map, sld_body, -1, NULL)) != MS_SUCCESS)
+             return msWMSException(map, nVersion, NULL, wms_exception_format);
+       }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      SLD and styles can use the same layer multiple times. If        */
+/*      that is the case we duplicate the layer for drawing             */
+/*      purpose. We need to reset the ows request enable settings (#1602)*/
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+       nLayerAfter=map->numlayers;
+       if (nLayersBefore != nLayerAfter)
+       {
+           strlcpy(request_tmp, "GetMap", sizeof(request_tmp));
+           msOWSRequestLayersEnabled(map, "M", request_tmp, ows_request); 
+       }
-  else if (sld_body)
-  {
-      if ((status =msSLDApplySLD(map, sld_body, -1, NULL)) != MS_SUCCESS)
-        return msWMSException(map, nVersion, NULL, wms_exception_format);
-  }
   /* Validate Styles :
-  ** mapserv does not advertize any styles (the default styles are the
-  ** one that are used. So we are expecting here to have empty values
+  ** MapServer advertize styles through th group setting in a class object.
+  ** If no styles are set MapServer expects to have empty values
   ** for the styles parameter (...&STYLES=&...) Or for multiple Styles/Layers,
   ** we could have ...&STYLES=,,,. If that is not the
   ** case, we generate an exception.
@@ -1098,7 +1114,7 @@
   if(styles && strlen(styles) > 0)
       char **tokens;
-      int n=0, i=0, k=0;
+      int n=0, i=0, k=0, l=0,m=0;
       char **layers=NULL;
       int numlayers =0;
       layerObj *lp = NULL;
@@ -1111,6 +1127,9 @@
               if (layers == NULL)
+                  int bLayerInserted = MS_FALSE;
+                  char request_tmp[32];
                   for(j=0; j<numentries; j++)
                       if (strcasecmp(names[j], "LAYERS") == 0)
@@ -1118,6 +1137,51 @@
                           layers = msStringSplit(values[j], ',', &numlayers);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      If the same layer is given more that once, we need to           */
+/*      duplicate it.                                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+                  if (layers && numlayers>0)
+                  {
+                      for (m=0; m<numlayers;m++)
+                      {
+                          layerObj *psTmpLayer=NULL;
+                          int nIndex;
+                          char tmpId[128];
+                          for (l=0;l<numlayers;l++)
+                          {
+                              nIndex = msGetLayerIndex(map, layers[m]);
+                              if (m !=l && strcasecmp(layers[m], layers[l])== 0 &&
+                                  nIndex != -1)
+                              {
+                                  psTmpLayer = (layerObj *) malloc(sizeof(layerObj));
+                                  initLayer(psTmpLayer, map);
+                                  msCopyLayer(psTmpLayer, GET_LAYER(map,nIndex));
+                                  /* open the source layer */
+                                  if ( !psTmpLayer->vtable) 
+                                    msInitializeVirtualTable(psTmpLayer);
+                                  /*make the name unique*/
+                                  snprintf(tmpId, sizeof(tmpId), "%lx_%x_%d",(long)time(NULL),(int)getpid(),
+                                           map->numlayers);
+                                  if (psTmpLayer->name)
+                                    msFree(psTmpLayer->name);
+                                  psTmpLayer->name = strdup(tmpId);
+                                  msFree(layers[l]);
+                                  layers[l] = strdup(tmpId);
+                                  msInsertLayer(map, psTmpLayer, -1);   
+                                  bLayerInserted =MS_TRUE;
+                              }
+                          }
+                      }
+                  }
+                  if (bLayerInserted)
+                  {
+                      strlcpy(request_tmp, "GetMap", sizeof(request_tmp));
+                      msOWSRequestLayersEnabled(map, "M", request_tmp, ows_request); 
+                  }
               if (layers && numlayers == n)

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