[mapserver-commits] [mapserver/mapserver] 775efc: Fixed Windows build issues of php mapscript (#4362...

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Thu Jun 28 07:33:26 PDT 2012

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver
  Commit: 775efc50a17f2b0fee947f2e9654ea9260ef4430
  Author: Alan Boudreault <aboudreault at mapgears.com>
  Date:   2012-06-28 (Thu, 28 Jun 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M mapscript/php/Makefile.vc
    M mapserver.h

  Log Message:
  Fixed Windows build issues of php mapscript (#4362)

  Commit: b6a92104c15b858c14eec95af63eb0b2afe12bb1
  Author: Alan Boudreault <aboudreault at mapgears.com>
  Date:   2012-06-28 (Thu, 28 Jun 2012)

  Changed paths:
    A astyle.sh
    M cgiutil.c
    M cgiutil.h
    M classobject.c
    M dxfcolor.h
    M layerobject.c
    M legend.c
    M mapagg.cpp
    M mapagg.h
    M mapaxisorder.h
    M mapbits.c
    M mapcairo.c
    M mapchart.c
    M mapcluster.c
    M mapcontext.c
    M mapcopy.c
    M mapcopy.h
    M mapcpl.c
    M mapcrypto.c
    M mapdebug.c
    M mapdraw.c
    M mapdrawgdal.c
    M mapdummyrenderer.c
    M mapentities.h
    M maperror.c
    M maperror.h
    M mapfile.c
    M mapfile.h
    M mapgd.c
    M mapgdal.c
    M mapgeomtransform.c
    M mapgeomutil.cpp
    M mapgeos.c
    M mapgml.c
    M mapgml.h
    M mapgraticule.c
    M maphash.c
    M maphash.h
    M maphttp.c
    M maphttp.h
    M mapimageio.c
    M mapimagemap.c
    M mapio.c
    M mapio.h
    M mapjoin.c
    M mapkml.cpp
    M mapkmlrenderer.cpp
    M mapkmlrenderer.h
    M maplabel.c
    M maplayer.c
    M maplegend.c
    M maplexer.c
    M maplibxml2.c
    M mapmssql2008.c
    M mapobject.c
    M mapogcfilter.c
    M mapogcfilter.h
    M mapogcfiltercommon.c
    M mapogcsld.c
    M mapogcsld.h
    M mapogcsos.c
    M mapogl.cpp
    M mapoglcontext.cpp
    M mapoglcontext.h
    M mapoglrenderer.cpp
    M mapoglrenderer.h
    M mapogr.cpp
    M mapogroutput.c
    M maporaclespatial.c
    M mapoutput.c
    M mapows.c
    M mapows.h
    M mapowscommon.c
    M mapowscommon.h
    M mapparser.c
    M mapparser.h
    M mappluginlayer.c
    M mappool.c
    M mappostgis.c
    M mappostgis.h
    M mappostgresql.c
    M mapprimitive.c
    M mapprimitive.h
    M mapproject.c
    M mapproject.h
    M mapprojhack.c
    M mapquantization.c
    M mapquery.c
    M mapraster.c
    M maprasterquery.c
    M mapregex.c
    M mapregex.h
    M maprendering.c
    M mapresample.c
    M mapresample.h
    M mapscale.c
    M mapscript/php/class.c
    M mapscript/php/cluster.c
    M mapscript/php/color.c
    M mapscript/php/error.c
    M mapscript/php/grid.c
    M mapscript/php/hashtable.c
    M mapscript/php/image.c
    M mapscript/php/label.c
    M mapscript/php/labelcache.c
    M mapscript/php/labelcachemember.c
    M mapscript/php/labelleader.c
    M mapscript/php/layer.c
    M mapscript/php/legend.c
    M mapscript/php/line.c
    M mapscript/php/map.c
    M mapscript/php/mapscript_error.c
    M mapscript/php/mapscript_i.c
    M mapscript/php/outputformat.c
    M mapscript/php/owsrequest.c
    M mapscript/php/php_mapscript.c
    M mapscript/php/php_mapscript.h
    M mapscript/php/php_mapscript_util.c
    M mapscript/php/php_mapscript_util.h
    M mapscript/php/php_proj.c
    M mapscript/php/php_regex.c
    M mapscript/php/point.c
    M mapscript/php/projection.c
    M mapscript/php/querymap.c
    M mapscript/php/rect.c
    M mapscript/php/referencemap.c
    M mapscript/php/result.c
    M mapscript/php/scalebar.c
    M mapscript/php/shape.c
    M mapscript/php/shapefile.c
    M mapscript/php/style.c
    M mapscript/php/symbol.c
    M mapscript/php/web.c
    M mapscript/python/pygdioctx/pygdioctx.c
    M mapscript/python/pygdioctx/pygdioctx.h
    M mapsde.c
    M mapsearch.c
    M mapserv.c
    M mapserv.h
    M mapserver.h
    M mapservutil.c
    M mapshape.c
    M mapshape.h
    M mapstring.c
    M mapsymbol.c
    M mapsymbol.h
    M maptclutf.c
    M maptemplate.c
    M maptemplate.h
    M mapthread.c
    M mapthread.h
    M maptile.c
    M maptile.h
    M maptime.c
    M maptime.h
    M maptree.c
    M maptree.h
    M mapunion.c
    M maputil.c
    M mapuvraster.c
    M mapwcs.c
    M mapwcs.h
    M mapwcs11.c
    M mapwcs20.c
    M mapwfs.c
    M mapwfs11.c
    M mapwfslayer.c
    M mapwms.c
    M mapwmslayer.c
    M mapxbase.c
    M mapxml.c
    M mapxmp.c
    M mod_mapserver.c
    M msencrypt.c
    M opengl/glext.h
    M opengl/wglext.h
    M scalebar.c
    M shp2img.c
    M shptree.c
    M shptreetst.c
    M shptreevis.c
    M sortshp.c
    M strptime.c
    M sym2img.c
    M testcopy.c
    M testexpr.c
    M tile4ms.c

  Log Message:
  Merged master

Compare: https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/compare/8853727eaee6...b6a92104c15b

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