[mapserver-commits] [MapServer/MapServer] 29eb6f: [Backport branch-8-0] reset isreported to MS_FALSE...

github-actions[bot] noreply at github.com
Thu Aug 4 05:27:04 PDT 2022

  Branch: refs/heads/branch-8-0
  Home:   https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer
  Commit: 29eb6fa06d13bbbbd40b6f6f491001f0cc55b63a
  Author: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2022-08-04 (Thu, 04 Aug 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M .github/workflows/start.sh
    M maperror.c

  Log Message:
  [Backport branch-8-0] reset isreported to MS_FALSE in msResetErrorList() (#6543) (#6581)

* reset isreported to MS_FALSE in msResetErrorList() (#6543)

* send two queries in a row without arguments to the FastCGI process (#6543)

Co-authored-by: Landry Breuil <landry at rhaalovely.net>

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